by Grogggy » Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:04 pm
Some one asked me recently to share some wisdom on how to enjoy this game more. I decided to share my responce with all of you. If someone wants to set it to a catchy, urban beat, I'll lay down a voice track.
sure pal.
I was about to raid you anyway, so might as well talk instead.
1) Trading is boring
2) start shit cause you can't really die
3) role play a bit--who do you want to "be" in the game
4) extend friendships to facebook and stuff outside the game, made some real actual friends here
5) politics is a bit of black hole...only play influence games if you know you can win.
6) personalize your ships and fleet names, I named my MOW after my wife. My kids have ships in the game.
7) do the forums. I know you do already, but thats a whole nother playground.
8) find secrets. there are lots of little tricks out there.
9) don't be afraid to get pissed off. Its a game, its ok to act out a little.
10) have friends, have enemies.
Thats I guess as wise as I can be today. I will say I still get a rush, sweaty palms, and elevated heart rate every single time I hit "cast" on a raid.
And I guess that's why I come back.