Ramen noodles wrote:Haron wrote:I disagree. None of the other suggestions balances this.
More port action is desirable, but these suggestion would work contrary to that. There are, however, several other ideas which WOULD increase port action. If the devs were to give some signal as to what direction they want ports to take, we can start discussing some details and specific options.
It seems that the fact that the nation held the port for a very long time is ignored, or not represented. This is a very hard thing to do, and not many nations have accomplished this. It is still possible for a takeover, if planned correctly. Say the owning nation has 12mil influence in that port, Take over the pot with 13mil right before the update, after update, you are halved to 6.5mil, then build it back up. Effect does not reapply after the takeover was done once.
Or, you could just hit the owner's nation down to 6mil, and even if halved, you will win.
Point is, this isn't really that bad of a barrier. There are players that can buy in 100+ million influence, and most ports don't carry a heavy amount of influence. If planned correctly, you can easily overcome this.
if that effect only applies once then its really rather pointless. you hold a port for a year, it gets taken over you rebound but even if you hold it again it takes another year to gain the advantage again? only to have it work once? but if altered to last for a period of time then its way to OP. if you want to make port loyalty a thing you should suggest something that while beneficial for the nation holding the port, is not gamebreaking. something like if you own a port for X amount of time, the population grows X% faster. or hold a port X amount of time all nation members gain X% bonus in influence when building up the port. or if X port is held for X amount of time, if X port is lost, all nation members gain X% of a bonus in retaking the port for a period of time.