Ramen noodles wrote:Diplomacy Tab Recommendations:
1. People's Loyalty - Say a nation has owned a port for 1 year, then in case that the port gets taken over by another nation, the nation taking over that port loses half of it's influence in that port, and the original owner's get their influence doubled in that port. Effects 2x per year owned.
how does this improve gameplay? the attacker needs 3 to 4 times more investment. make i simple spain holds chalkos with 500 influence, Kuwait has already 450 influence and opens an attack by adding 150 influence.
old situation kuwait 600 spain 500; Chalkos becomes kuwatian.
new situation: kuwait goes to 600 loses half ends up at 300
(200 less than before the succesful attack), spain had 500 gains 250 ends up at 750 Spain keeps the port and say thank you so much. please do again, we even pay for the voodoo
new situation better attack: to overcome the 50 influence difference Kuwait must invest 1052 influence to get 1 influence more than spain.! (450+1052=1502, lose half for winning 1502/2=751. spain = 500+250 = 751
This will destroy all attempts to take ports!
Ramen noodles wrote:2. Tariffs - Say Spain goes to war with Bermuda, and Spain decides to impose a tax upon all Bermudian players. Such would be that for all items bought from Spanish ports from Bermudian players, the Bermudian players must pay 5 gold to Spain's treasury per item bought.
+0 but needs to be worked out a bit more 5gc is too much. not sure whether this this would stimulate action, but it rises the stakes.
Ramen noodles wrote:3. Allies - Nations can impose Tariffs without warfare, but, they would be less aggressive than number 2. Allies can evade these Tariffs. Allies cannot buy enough influence in a port to overtake its other allies ruling that port.
-1 most favorite nation status etc (allies) works against newbees who sign up with their own country.
Ramen noodles wrote:4. NAP - Same as number 3, except Tariff still applies.
this is already an automated game feature
Ramen noodles wrote:5. Declaration of War - Nations write a Declaration of War against another. All Declarations are recorded in the Nation History Tab (Who knows, maybe this will become a thing in the future). The Declaration would involve how long the war lasted, who settled the war (signed to remove), and greatest soldiers of the war (based on hostility gained). - Just a cool thing to look back on for a nation's history.
-1 nice for the records but nations normally declare war after the fighting has started, blaming the other nation to have started. why take away surprise attacks.
kuwait to spain: "we declare war on you". Spain"thanks for the heads up, we shore up our defenses"