[Delete - Not needed because of guilds] Missions and banking

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[Delete - Not needed because of guilds] Missions and banking

Postby Omen74 » Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:26 pm

Is there any way to store my gold safely in my home port? I have only been playing
for a day and 3 times Jolly on Connell has attacked and taken my gold. Not very
promising for me to want to stay and play this game.

I also do not seem to have missions available to me. Is there a level requirement?

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Re: Missions and banking

Postby Phill » Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:34 am

The Missions are still in production, other more essential aspects of the game are being tweaked first.

As for having your gold stolen, the best way to avoid this is to keep your danger rating down. If the danger rating of your fleet is below 2, then you cannot be attacked. Hover over "danger rating" on the fleet screen to learn what effects the rating.

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions =]
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Re: Missions and banking

Postby Captain Jack » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:06 pm

Find details of the amount lost in battle here:

In general note, you should always keep enough gold on you for the taking in order to keep your ship safe. Losing a ship is much worse than losing gold.
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