Pirate Owned Ports

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Re: Pirate Owned Ports

Postby Donald Trump » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:55 pm

I doubt that implementation will occur. And if it does. Then I will edit this.
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Re: Pirate Owned Ports

Postby Meliva » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:00 pm

Ramen noodles wrote:Meliva, it still costs turns to skirmish. As well, Skirmishing isn't even that common.

And I edited it*

skirmishing might not be too common at the moment, but as shadow said that could change, and if a pirate learns of a trade fleet travelling to the port, they could make good coin skirmishing it. there would be no penalty for them to skirmish a fleet, besides the defender retaliating.

and once again, you neglect to address one of my key points in opposing this.

if pirate owned ports buy rum for +2 profit, and food for +1, what happens if that's the resource they sell? logically speaking it should increase the buy price, making rum and food more expensive to buy.
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Re: Pirate Owned Ports

Postby Donald Trump » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:03 pm

I get that it would increase. But gradually. As well, many people would have to invest in warehouses in what not.
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Re: Pirate Owned Ports

Postby Meliva » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:09 pm

Ramen noodles wrote:I get that it would increase. But gradually. As well, many people would have to invest in warehouses in what not.

I'm not sure if you understand what I mean.
lets say Baramas becomes a pirate port. with your suggestion pirate ports buy rum for +2. but baramas sells rum. therefore it would have the reverse effect, selling rum for +2. thereby making baramas a terrible trading port. it would make logical sense, pirates love their rum, therefore the demand in baramas is higher due to pirates, therefore the increase.

and this time you failed to counter my point that no danger gain when skirmishing makes pirates able to raid trade fleets, with almost no consequence. they wont gain danger no matter how many fleets they plunder, and spending 4 turns to skirmish is much more tempting when you wont have to worry about danger. and you can forget about a pirate port ever having any traders using gold bars
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Re: Pirate Owned Ports

Postby Donald Trump » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:29 pm

skirmishing has very little benefits for 4 turns, only useful for bounties. I can plunder someone for 100k+, and skirmish someone for only 10k.
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Re: Pirate Owned Ports

Postby Meliva » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:42 pm

chin, your not really thinking of the advantage skirmish would have with no danger.
for starters, you can only plunder someone on the board, but you can skirmish anyone, and no danger means you can use all your skirmish points, and that fleet cant be hit back, combine that with the skirmish and piracy tech, and maybe some voodoo, and skirmishing would become a way for pirates to earn good coin hitting merchants without getting ANY danger.

and once AGAIN, you only address one point, I am getting tired of repeating myself, so ill ask once more then move on.

lets say Baramas becomes a pirate port. with your suggestion pirate ports buy rum for +2. but baramas sells rum. therefore it would have the reverse effect, selling rum for +2. thereby making baramas a terrible trading port. it would make logical sense, pirates love their rum, therefore the demand in baramas is higher due to pirates, therefore the increase.
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Re: Pirate Owned Ports

Postby Donald Trump » Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:59 pm

hm, I will remove the +2 thing. and Modify the skirmish. What about now?
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Re: Pirate Owned Ports

Postby Meliva » Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:07 pm

Ramen noodles wrote:hm, I will remove the +2 thing. and Modify the skirmish. What about now?

I still think pirate owned ports are fine as they are, but I suppose this is acceptable if it gets implemented.
but the gambling thing should be a feature for the whole game, not just for a port.
as your suggestion is now, I wont + or - it.
afterall I find it rather unlikely there will be a pirate owned port anytime soon. pirates are not a well organized lot, and they do not have many players with very much influence atm.
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Re: Pirate Owned Ports

Postby ChaIbaud » Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:11 pm

-1, next you will be saying that Spain gets extra bonuses from running Spanish Indian Company in their own ports. Special treatment isn't something I'm fond of and just because you belong to the Pirate nation doesn't mean you should be asking for benefits. I thought I already told you asking for free stuff isn't good, Chin.
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