Salvage- Legendary

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Salvage- Legendary

Postby Meliva » Fri Jul 15, 2016 7:44 pm

I think a better version of tidal wave would be pretty useful to have in this game, so heres my idea.

Voodoo- Salvage-Legendary-Instant
Turns to cast-25
3 Tidal waves.
5 Bless
5 Favorable Winds.
10,000 gold
8 hours.
Effect- You salvage a sunken fleet, 5 sunken ships are now yours. only applies to actual sunken ships, not ships with no crew and cannons.

let me know what you guys think.
Last edited by Meliva on Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Salvage- Legendary

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:18 pm

Nice idea : my concern would be that TW's do tend to produce an inordinate percentage of low value ships and thus the likelihood that this curse could produce a fleet of 5 level one howkers is a bit too high for the expense and effort needed to make it : I'm not sure how it can be tweaked to give a higher chance of producing at least one 'good' ship.
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Re: Salvage- Legendary

Postby Meliva » Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:23 pm

that's why I tried to keep the price relatively low, your converting 3 tidals into a card that gives 5 ships, and Bless and Favor's are not worth too much, and 10K gold is really cheap aswell. and the turn cost being 25, while a fleet of 5 howkers would take 40 turns, 50K gold and some resources. so even if you get 5 howkers, I think you come out a little ahead.
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Re: Salvage- Legendary

Postby Captain dungeness » Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:05 pm

If this card provides 5 ships while using only 3 tidal waves I think it would be a terrible idea to ever cast tidal waves. I think this is a good thing because then a Voodoo Master player could make a business crafting 3 TWs into Salvages and people would want to buy them! It's a great thing to have a legendary card turn an uncommon card semi-obsolete. Hooray for business opportunities!

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Re: Salvage- Legendary

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:08 pm

Dont ignore the cost of building the Witch Hut : I doubt it will be cheap and should be factored into the overall cost of making these legendary cards. I agree with your comparison with normal TW's but I do feel a 'legendary' card should produce a more 'legendary' result and not just a slightly cheaper multi- tidal wave. I like the idea of a card that brings home a full fleet, i just feel the fleet should be better than the usual outcome of 5 TW's : which tend towards howkers and other low value ships : also bear in mind, they will be sunken ships so by definition will all be lvl1 anyway.
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Re: Salvage- Legendary

Postby Meliva » Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:18 pm

Captain dungeness wrote:If this card provides 5 ships while using only 3 tidal waves I think it would be a terrible idea to ever cast tidal waves. I think this is a good thing because then a Voodoo Master player could make a business crafting 3 TWs into Salvages and people would want to buy them! It's a great thing to have a legendary card turn an uncommon card semi-obsolete. Hooray for business opportunities!

-Captain D

not everyone would be able to afford the witch hut, or be able to craft voodoo. those who cant create this card would have to use tidal waves, or buy a salvage. and the ones making salvages would still need to gather the voodoo required to make it, and take 8 hours to build. if it seems to cheap I can alter the recipe. to be honest, I want a better version of tidal wave so players can start cleaning up the ocean bottom of all those sunken ships. its sad that there are more ships on the ocean floor then sailing it, we gotta tidy it up or Poseidon might be mad for us littering. :lol:
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Re: Salvage- Legendary

Postby Captain dungeness » Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:17 pm

Danik wrote:they will be sunken ships so by definition will all be lvl1 anyway.
I may be wrong but I think any ship sold to the shipwright are also included in the tidal wave ship pool. I seem to remember finding a level 10 LM with tidal waves. If that is the case then I know my first level 10 MoW could be found with a tidal wave.

Meliva wrote:its sad that there are more ships on the ocean floor then sailing it, we gotta tidy it up or Poseidon might be mad for us littering. :lol:
Wouldnt it be cool to have a sunken ship feature like treasure hunting where you could find sunken ships and recover their cargo or some wood/iron or, if you're really lucky, the whole ship? I may make a suggestion thread about it.

Danik wrote:. I like the idea of a card that brings home a full fleet, i just feel the fleet should be better than the usual outcome of 5 TW's : which tend towards howkers and other low value ships...
You should compare the outcome to 3TWs because it only takes 3 to make this legendary voodoo. I strongly believe a legendary card doesnt need to have completely new functionality in order to be worth adding to the game. Upgrading a card is just as interesting as a new card function because it creates an obvious business opportunity. Dont forget you could also find a sotl or two in those 5 ships.

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Re: Salvage- Legendary

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:02 am

You can indeed find a sotl or two in TW's : but the initial card suggestion was for sunken ships only, not ships from inactives or otherwise un-crewed : as I understand it, ships sold to the shipwright are gone for good, perhaps CJ could confirm if they are 'sunk' or just 'lost' from the game : and yes, you could find a lvl1 MoW, sadly, I recall sinking one during a hijack attempt a while back.

I do think its a cool idea : I'd favor perhaps an upgrade to TW's which raised the odds of finding a sweet high-value ship washed up after the tempest instead of the soul-wrecking stream of howkers which si the general outcome.
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Re: Salvage- Legendary

Postby Shadowood » Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:04 am

Similar to my Ghost Ship idea.
I like the "fleet" aspect. To this. Maybe we could combine these a little.
Say 1 or 2 out of the 5 ships returned are guaranteed to be a Brigantine or Better. ??
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Re: Salvage- Legendary

Postby Cdv » Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:47 am

Why would a sunken ship still have a (living) crew?
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