Topic Locked.
In the past 24 hours this forum has had so many reports that it can no longer continue.
The forum rules can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3
Topic unlocked - Do not resort to topic locks for whatever reason (violations, requests, etc). Generally speaking, topic locks are mostly needed at cases of administration/moderation baiting and advertising.
I have no information on the violations that took place here but since Roileon took care of them, it is more than enough for me. For any issues, contact the moderator in question. In case of a mistake, compromises must be reached between you two. Do not send me any complaints without contacting Roileon first. this means you will need to have transcripts of the conversation. ~ Cpt Jack
EDIT #2: I have read through the whole topic, I only removed some real life insults - which I must say were very disturbing. Of course, my run was after Roileon and I mostly did this to see how well he moderated it. These things are not to be discussed in public of course but I was very happy to see he made a good job in a topic where his guild is also mentioned. This counts as a public support to him as a moderator. Like I said above, no reason to close the topic. ~ Cpt Jack