Heya all : it has become ever more evident that lots of folk in Avonmora need a safe, secure and comfortable outlet for their well-founded, astute and ever-growing dislike of Danik (Booooo! Hisssssss!) : so, here is a special thread for all those special people!
I'll start you off with a few examples but I'm sure you'll all get the hang of it in no time at all!
example 1 :
I HATE DANIK BECAUSE : he is much more handsome than I am!
example 2 :
I HATE DANIK BECAUSE : he has cooties!
example 3 :
I HATE DANIK BECAUSE : he can spell big words like 'their' without using spell-checkers!
So, easy, aint it?
Off we go, and the best examples will win a special prize (to be announced)!