Hideout Building: Witch Hut

We are always looking for ways to improve the game. In fact, since the beginning player suggestions had played a major part in game design.

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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Roberts » Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:48 am

Warrior wrote:If a gold-credit converter is gonna come then this should not be a problem. Also it was discussed before that in npc battles you could have a chance to get voodoos. I think that feature also should be introduced before this.

Oh yeah, I remember that : Not many have re-posted on the subject where it actually is , or it could be, its just not a priority of the game yet... I do not know current priority's but i am guessing... Hideout buildings are the next Priority...

+1 None the less.
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Captain Jack » Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:08 pm

-The idea to find recipes is good. I can think of many ways to implement such. We have something under development where it could fit futurely (I have not told you about this. It is a surprise - EVERYONE will like it. It is not coming out yet, perhaps it will be an early christmas present).

-The idea of backfire and fail is a very sensitive matter and while it may sound well at first, it can produce furstrating gameplay. We would rather take such risks only selectively (in specific voodoo cards like we do, or in specific recipes here) rather than going for global effects.

-Regarding credits:
*Checking the feature with a critical eye, this is a credit producing feature for those that want to use it in this way.
*If you look at our playerbase, the majority of our active players has never spent a penny in the game. There are players who have been playing the game for a long time and have never buyed a credit. They have used credits though. Through voodoo selling, through ship selling (with commandeer), through gold coins selling (through banks), through services trading (privateers) etc.

The truth is that some cannot afford to pay and these are more than those that do not want to pay. Luckily, there are some people who play a bit more than average. We want all in our game and if you review our forthcoming features, you will be reassured of this.

In detail:
-The shipwright, will give you the ability to make credits.
-The gold coins you generate, will be convertable to credits.
-The voodoo cards you get, are credit tradeable already.
-The witch-hut feature, the same.

We let the players to define the credit price. If the game has few buyers, expect that the credit cost will drop for everything. It is the players that pay for the game that control this. The more the credit buyers, the better for all of you as the better credits you will get for your sales. And of course, if we end up with many buyers, expect credits price drops as well. We have done it already one time in the past.

If you couple it with:
-Loans / They generate gold coins which will now convert into credits
-(Forthcoming) Bounties -> These will be gold-coin based, paid through banks only.

Then you will see that futurely, in Avonmora, we will have a much more interesting economing situation. Let's not forget gold bars and their unique style too eh? A haven of people who love to trade in fact.

And what is a better place to be as a pirate if not of a merchants haven? :P
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Roberts » Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:23 pm

Debatable they are good points + Bad points for pirates, but a Merchant-Haven would be quite beneficial for me... :lol:

All seem's great to me though
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby DezNutz » Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:01 am

Captain Jack wrote:-The idea of backfire and fail is a very sensitive matter and while it may sound well at first, it can produce furstrating gameplay. We would rather take such risks only selectively (in specific voodoo cards like we do, or in specific recipes here) rather than going for global effects.

I agree that backfires or fails should not be globally; however, super voodoo should have negative effects on the castor or at least a good chance of. Super voodoo has a great advantage over newer or lower developed players who don't have the resources to compete. If you don't allow the possibility of a sizable risk to those that can easily get super voodoo cards, they will be able to dominate the game over up and coming players.
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:54 pm

Along with the banker, the goldsmith and the upcoming shipwright, the witch hut is a great enhancement to the hideout. Soon, after, who knows what the devs have in mind, but I imagine an academy that will enhance other features of everything involved here.

What CJ is asking for is ideas for the witch hut - curses and recipes to make available thru the witch hut.

Here's some ideas I had, although I haven't thought through the recipes, I've just thrown them out for consideration. These might not even be good curses, but just ideas in hopes it stirs up the ideas of others for some better ones than these (recipes not included - haven't got that far yet):

Demon's Harbor - instead of like the Hideout, where it removes 18 points of one's DR, player casts it on a single port. Any fleet he stops in their is hidden from the plunder screen. Curse lasts 72 hours.

Fear Monger - Like a Conspiracy curse only removes 10% of a nations' influence.

No Where to Hide - Works like an Ambush, only instead of one fleet, it raises all fleets of the target player, adding 18 DR to each fleet.

The Mercedi Syndrome - If cast first, this curse extends the life of the East and/or West India Trading Company curses from 24 hours to 72 hours.

Lucky Shot - Cast upon fleet. If fleet fires the first volley in battle, there is a 50/50% chance it will remove 1 attribute point from it's target as well as normal damage. Once cast, good until used.

I am certain there are more ideas out there better than these.....
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Francois le Clerc » Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:16 am

Nowhere to hide-----I like it

Heres a recipe...

2 FUG's
1 Witch Doctor
1/2 Disfavor
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Juicypotato » Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:44 am

Great idea, captain jack. This all came from my idea from a long time about the ultra rare voodoo curse cards. I can help out with creating card esp. the overpowering ones :) Here's just one idea that isn't overpowering but is a start.

All Drinks On You.

PIck a nation to pay for all the rum to be bought by them in a port that produces rum. Any player in your nation can buy as much rum as he wants for free at the other nations expense.The affected nation will know which nation used this card against them but not the specific player that casted the voodoo.

Duration 24 hours.

5 Rum festival cards
5 potato party cards
5 tobacco gathering cards

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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Juicypotato » Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:50 pm

Maybe this idea would be more exciting.

Instant Mortification. Super Rare

Description- Player can't cast any voodoo for 24 hours. Can only be purified by a Superfy voodoo card from another player.

To make

2 mindbars
2 ambushes
2 leviathans
20 terrorize
20 hostile natives

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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Grimrock Litless » Wed May 11, 2016 1:50 pm

Each of those voodoo would be sold on the market at 100 credits or more the market could change.
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Re: Hideout Building: Witch Hut

Postby Shadowood » Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:39 pm


What ideas do you have for the Witch Hut!? I personally cannot wait to see this feature added.
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