As most of us know, the ship market is a great place to sell your best ships, or a graveyard for those unwanted. I'm suggesting that there be a way to invest extra credits/gold into the bidding process on your own ships so they could be placed ahead in their section.
For example, I wanted to sell Howker (#99999) for 100 credits. Lo and behold, there are 200 other Howkers being sold! "How will mine ever be noticed?! Wait... what is this? I can add 5 credits to go ahead of everyone's ships who did not bid more than that! Cool! Thanks Chalbaud."
This would promote the quicker selling of ships. Some disadvantages, however, would be that the rich could be selling ships while the newer players would suffer just a little more. Perhaps a time limit of how long it can be boosted up is possible.
Another solution to this problem is to add a timer to the ship market like there is in the voodoo market so all ships will be seen no matter what their advertisement cost