Hideout building costs reduction

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Hideout building costs reduction

Postby PhoenixKnight » Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:18 pm


I calculated how much it would cost to build and level up all the buildings in hideout along with the warehouse that will need to hold the resources and the cost of the resources.

It seems that a total of a little over 6 Billion gold coins will be needed to achieve that. With this it would take a long time for anyone to grow that big in order to achieve that.

I would like to suggest a reduction in the costs of the buildings and the associated required resources or at least a restructure where the capital investment for the building is big but the upgrade is not bigger.

You don't build an extra room for the price of the house if you know what I mean!

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Re: Hideout building costs reduction

Postby Stan Rogers » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:06 pm

PhoenixKnight wrote:Hello,

I calculated how much it would cost to build and level up all the buildings in hideout along with the warehouse that will need to hold the resources and the cost of the resources.

It seems that a total of a little over 6 Billion gold coins will be needed to achieve that. With this it would take a long time for anyone to grow that big in order to achieve that.

6 Bil eh..Wow !
In the Devs defence, Hideout was purposely designed to give another lvl of gameplay to long term players. It was purposely designed to be expensive for advanced players or players who earn more than 1M /day and not run out of things to build or develop. in a few weeks.

Yea.. the hill is steep but it has to be to achieve its goal.
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Re: Hideout building costs reduction

Postby PhoenixKnight » Thu Apr 07, 2016 1:13 pm

Stan rogers wrote:
PhoenixKnight wrote:Hello,

I calculated how much it would cost to build and level up all the buildings in hideout along with the warehouse that will need to hold the resources and the cost of the resources.

It seems that a total of a little over 6 Billion gold coins will be needed to achieve that. With this it would take a long time for anyone to grow that big in order to achieve that.

6 Bil eh..Wow !
In the Devs defence, Hideout was purposely designed to give another lvl of gameplay to long term players. It was purposely designed to be expensive for advanced players or players who earn more than 1M /day and not run out of things to build or develop. in a few weeks.

Yea.. the hill is steep but it has to be to achieve its goal.

Stan, I agree with your point. Still long term it will take months or years to achieve that. I think that an average committed player should be able to get there in no longer than a year. If it takes longer than that then it is too long.
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Re: Hideout building costs reduction

Postby Captain Jack » Thu Apr 07, 2016 1:40 pm

Timeframes are very relative. It comes down to strategy in how much time you will need to achieve something. Credits do just that as well; allow you to do things faster. So does experience.

Therefore, since Hideout is meant for experienced players, then the buildings there need to be expensive enough to challenge the veterans. The time that a newcomer will need to get there is not something that should define the feature. By the time a player decides to expand to a Hideout then he should no longer be regarded as a newcomer.

I will remind that game metrics constantly change and as developers, we need to ensure that our game economy is kept under control. Let us not forget that the challenge of getting gold is nowadays a lot easier than before. Getting 10M when this game started was like a huge chore that could take one player several months and still fail. Nowadays, this is not the case, you can get 10M in day 1 (through other players, always).

For example, we got a nice feature called Loans. Banks currently hold 16B at their vaults. Surely, a big chunk of this amount is available for loaning and anyone can take advantage of this. There are still 30B in circulation and many more in liquidate-able assets. So I would say that still, Hideout buildings are not as costly as you think.

But even if they are there is one more element to take in mind; our initial planning was that every player will get to choose either a bank or a goldsmith and this is why these two buildings are expensive. They cost about 2.2B-2.5B each (depending at large on how much you get to pay the gold bars). So, the true number is 3.5B and not 6B (If 6B is correct, not sure of the total cost). Now, if one player wants to beat our design and possess both, this is not something we need to facilitate (make it easier).

Finally, the time for an experienced player to get a Bank or a Goldsmith (lvl 20), has been calculated before hand and was a result of a case study we did. It has been metered at 6 months average. It was a good case study I can say now as it met real game metrics, at large. Some players will do less time and some will do more; this is what the game is about though; best strategy wins.

Btw, we have improved the calculator for Hideout buildings; some cosmetic improvements AND a total cost in gold bars AND gold coins at the bottom. You can either access it through your Mansion or if you do not have one yet but still want to see the costs you can visit it through this link: http://s2.piratesglory.com/hideout_costs.php?var=bank
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Re: Hideout building costs reduction

Postby PFH » Sun Feb 03, 2019 4:51 pm

-1 i believe the strongest and most powerful players have to spend this to achieve such a set of tasks in costs. I know players that can make 1.2 billion in a lil over a span of 3 months just with their trade routes alone. Without voodoo.

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Re: [Review] Hideout building costs reduction

Postby DezNutz » Thu May 23, 2019 12:10 am

Bumping for more input.


While the "hill is steep", I don't see a need to reduce the costs especially since price updates and the resource market has come into play.
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Re: [Review] Hideout building costs reduction

Postby PFH » Thu May 23, 2019 5:15 am

Still -1 for the same reason
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Re: [Review] Hideout building costs reduction

Postby Kangaroo » Thu May 23, 2019 12:19 pm

-1 Cost is and ahould be a determining factor in where spend is made, if everything was easy the game would hold no challenges
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Re: [Review] Hideout building costs reduction

Postby sXs » Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:06 am

-1 Cost is relative.
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Re: [Review] Hideout building costs reduction

Postby PFH » Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:44 am

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