Manual: Running a Bank

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Manual: Running a Bank

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:21 am

..........WORK IN PROGRESS..........

How to Own a Bank

You need a Hideout before you can create a bank.
Building a Bank can cost a lot. It is regarded as an investment action where only active bankers will be able to see any returns.

How Transactions Work
-Most transactions are logistic records, especially when only 1 bank is involved in a transaction.
-For example, if you own a bank that has a balance of 10M and you send a payment of 1M to another player in your bank, your bank will still have 10M (a little less actually, as nation fees will be paid). However, the player who received the 1M, will see his account to have 1M.

Cunning Assistants
Every Level increases Max possible account limit by 500K
Every Level increases Max possible Bank treasury by 25M
It affects Banker's own deposits (it increases these limits)
Bank must be Level 20!!!

Chartered Banks
Bank must be Level 20 to receive the bonus.
Every other Bank Level in the same nation, as long as the bank is active, bestows a bonus to bank limits.
Every other Bank Level increases Max possible account limit by 500K
Every other Bank Level increases Max possible Bank treasury by 25M
It does not affect owner's deposits.

Chartered Banks bonus is calculated daily after the Nations update and is not affected by any changes during the day.

Max Account Limits

Max Client Account Balance: 2.5M per level + Cunning Assistants Level * 500K + Chartered Banks * 500k (Bankers may set a lower limit)
Max Banker Account Balance: 100M per level (200M per level for Banks Level 15 or Greater) + Cunning Assistants Level * 25M
Max amount you can send on a payment is 50M, provided that the receiver's bank account is big enough to accept it.
Min amount you can send on a payment is 10k.

Max Bank Balances Limits

Own Limits
-When receiving a loan payment: No limit
-When receiving a payment to your bank or making a deposit: Your Bank Level * 100M + Cunning Assistants Level * 25M

General Limit
-When someone else receives a payment to your bank or makes a deposit: (Your Bank Level * 100M) * 2 + Cunning Assistants Level * 25M + Chartered Banks * 25M
-Credits Exchange run through banks do not respect bank limits right now but this should be updated in the future to meet the General Limit.

Note: Any actions to circumvent the current limits by issuing dummy loans OR selling credits though deals to other players, is prohibited. Such actions will be dealt as rule violations.

Bank Accounts
-Bankers can freeze Bank accounts at anytime. Only the banker may lift the freeze (aka, the banker, if he wishes to, may rob you anytime)
-When a Banker freezes an account, the account holder is still able to pay an open loan.

Turns Cost
  • A Deposit to your bank account costs 3 turns
  • Bank Level 10 or greater costs 2 turns instead.
    Bank Level 15 or greater costs 1 Turn instead.
  • A Withdrawal from your bank account costs 3 turns
  • Bank Level 15 or greater costs 2 Turns instead.
  • Sending a payment costs 3 turns
  • Bank Level 15 or greater costs 2 turns instead.
    Bank Level 20 costs 1 Turn instead.

Credits Exchange

Banks can offer credits exchange services to everyone.
Players with Frozen Accounts cannot use the Credits Exchange.
Fees paid by Bank for any transaction:
0.3% Corruption fee (Fee summary is removed from the game)
0.2% Nation Tax (Tax summary is added to Nation Treasury)

~Bank Loans - Full details~

^Feature Description
-Bankers are able to issue loans to anyone.
-Anyone may apply for a bank loan.
-Mutual consent is required for a loan to be begin.
-There is no limit in how many loans a bank may issue to a single client.
-Active loans of Banks who are closed are considered as frozen with no penalties to the loan reception. The duration of such loans grows as long as the bank remains closed.
-Bankers can Freeze Loans at anytime.
-An open loan given by a closed Bank is not served during update. Instead, it's expiration day is extended by 1. Same happens with frozen loans.

Loan Non Configurable Variables
-All loans use Avonmoran dates.
-Max installment cycle: 30 days-
-Minimum loan duration: 7 days
-Maximum loan duration: 730 days
-Minimum total interest (Equal to total interest for 7 days)

Loan Configurable Variables
Loans are placed directly on the bank account once approved.
->If the account maximum limit is lower than 20M, then the maximum loan that can be given is 20M (This is the maximum amount that the account can also have. So for example, if the bank is level 1, then the max limit right now is 2.5M. If there are already 2.5M in the bank account, then the player can receive up to 17.5 more).
->If the account maximum limit is higher than 20M, then the maximum loan that can be given is the account limit itself (ie, a lvl 20 bank at current metrics will be able to issue up to 100M in a loan).

The most important factor of a loan, is perhaps duration. Duration affects everything. Ponder this variable carefully.

-Interest Rate (per month,charged daily)

-Compound Interest Rate (It is activated only when an installment has not been paid in time)
This only applies when an installment has not been paid on time and as long as the installment due remains unpaid.
It is additive to the interest rate.

-Installment cycles (days)

-Payment to Capital Percentage
This defines how much of each payment repays capital. The rest repays interests. The higher this percentage, the better the loan deal for long term loans.

Bank treasury limits do not apply when repaying a loan.

Whatever Questions relative to banks you may have, please post here.
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Re: Manual: Running a Bank

Postby Sir Sam Lowe » Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:12 pm

Captain Jack wrote:Banking Limits
Max amount you can send on a payment is 25M, provided that the receiver's bank account is big enough to accept it.

Does this still stand?Given the fact that a few banks are over the 25mill marks. Here's what I am interested in:

Player X owns a bank that holds 50milll
Player Y has 50mill deposited
Player Z has no coins in the bank

Can Player Y transfer his/her 50mill to Player Z in once attempt?
E.g: You have successfully transferred 50mill to Player Z.


E.g: You have successfully transferred 25mill to Player Z through Players X banks; and this would be done twice,right?

I don't know if anyone asked about this in another thread but I would like to know.

Thanks mate.
Sail safe,
Sir Richard Delrio.
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Re: Manual: Running a Bank

Postby ChaIbaud » Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:24 pm

Sir Richard Delrio wrote:Does this still stand?Given the fact that a few banks are over the 25mill marks.

The statement stills hold true. The numbers above 25,000,000, for example 50 million in the USFR or 42.5 million in Morgan and Bartholomew Trust Co. are the maximum allowed in your bank account, not for transactions.

I believe Captain Jack was saying that you can send payments of up to 25 million but only if the recipient's account can take in that money without breaking the bank's maximum balance.

For example, look at this equation. "tp > bb - pb" 'tp' is the total payment allowed, 'bb' is the bank max. balance and 'pb' is the players balance. The total payment has to be less than what the difference of the maximum in the bank and the amount of gold in the players treasury.

Another example, if I sent Danik 25,000,000 (if only I had that much...) through Morgan and Bartholomew Trust Co., who's maximum is 42.5 million, his account balance must be less than or equal to 17,500,000 because anything exceeding this would break the maximum.

Hope this answered it, I know it was basically just regurgitated information..
PM me any complaints (10M gold coin wire fee is mandatory).
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Re: Manual: Running a Bank

Postby Captain Jack » Fri May 25, 2018 10:42 pm

Manual Updated to include Cunning Assistants and Chartered Banks

This manual is a bit messed up. If anyone thinks that he can create a better one, please be my guest. Post it here.
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Re: Manual: Running a Bank

Postby Astragek » Sat May 26, 2018 9:54 am

What is this chartered banks?
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Re: Manual: Running a Bank

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Sat May 26, 2018 1:50 pm

Astragek wrote:What is this chartered banks?

A Charter bank is actually a level 20 bank that recieves a bonus based upon the number of bank levels in their nation.

Every Bank Level increases Max possible account limit by 500K
Every Bank Level increases Max possible Bank treasury by 25M

This bonus does not affect bank owner's maximum deposit.

Hope that helps...
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Re: Manual: Running a Bank

Postby Astragek » Sat May 26, 2018 3:09 pm

So this is basically to give nation members a way to store more mo ey within their nation. Thanks for explanation
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Re: Manual: Running a Bank

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Sat May 26, 2018 3:12 pm

Any player can use any bank, not just of that nation - the charter bonus simply affects deposit size of that bank.

Check out maximum deposits on Phoenix Knight's bank and my bank.

Charter banks enable the very large transactions that will come with plantations.
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Re: Manual: Running a Bank

Postby PhoenixKnight » Tue May 29, 2018 5:02 pm

I got to cunning account level 20 but it won’t let me go further saying it is the max. But i see in the cost tables it go to 50.

Also, the math behind the max accounts cannot be right. No matter what I do, I cannot get max accounts to go above 70 million with the current formula
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Re: Manual: Running a Bank

Postby PhoenixKnight » Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:46 pm

So does that mean St Kitts does not have enough chartered banks level 20 ?
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