Xcailorz I agree that could be done easy and it is needed.
Georgiy,Cubes,Brazz those things were suggested an declined because that would lead twoards manipulation with ship market.
Georgiy - you can do that if ships is less than 50K worth so that person don't lose spots in marina due the lvl 1 howker...
Captain Jack wrote:A little refinement:
-Any ship with a market value (on 100%) less than 50K that has not been sold in 15 days time, can be sold to the shipwright (for the 70% normal fee).
This, can be accepted.
P.S. I edited number in CJ post from 30 to 15 as it was accepted to reduce from 30 to 15 days
For bigger ships it would give huge space for manipulation. Example: You want to protect SotL lvl 10 you put it there and put price 3000 credits noone would buy it and your ship would be protected from plundering that way ship market lose it's purpose and become free protection.
Brazzler and Cubes - I was part of the thread which wanted that to be implemented and I forgot why it was declined I'll try to find that threat and post link here, if someone else find that threat first they are more than welcome to post link
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1856&hilit=ship+market&start=10EDIT: It is the same topic as previouse quote and it seems that we never got reply on it so it is either delayed or declined...
I hope that this helped you a little
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”