Power Rankings

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Power Rankings

Postby Grimrock Litless » Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:09 am

I have no idea if anyone suggested this, but...

Power is just a way to show how good/great someone is from the combination of this 5 things.

1) Fame

2) Influence

3) Wealth

4) Numbers

5) Achievements

Each will give a different amount of Power.

1) Fame
Each 2500 fame a person have gives 1 power, as even thought its small but big amount of fame will give a lot of power.

2) Influence
Influence works the same as Fame but each 960 total influence will give 1 power.

3) Wealth
Wealth is a lot more different then Fame or Influence, it calculate all the money you currently has and also from bank.
Each 250,000 you have will give 25 power.[Each 10000 will give 1 power]
And the profit and loses will all be added to this, Each 100 power you gain from this will increase the req amount of gold by 10% each time you gain 1 power.[1000000gc = 100 power, next power is 10100 give 1 power, so on and so on.

4) Number
This measures that amount of ships a person has and also the type of ships the person have, eg: sotl: 11 LMM:59 = ??? power

5) Achievements
This measure your achievements like you build a hideout and/or top helper etc...

This can be change depending on how the dev like it to be, but its just a thought i have when i was walking to my room[lol].

Its just a way to measure all a person has done in the same and put it all into a number.

-1 Skyhawk

Updated title to better fit suggestion - Dez
Last edited by Grimrock Litless on Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Power is King

Postby Sebena » Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:21 am

-1 Too complicated and there is other improvments with greater importance such as academy and improvments related with it.
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Re: Power is King

Postby Grimrock Litless » Sun Mar 20, 2016 3:52 am

Wolfie wrote:-1 Too complicated and there is other improvments with greater importance such as academy and improvments related with it.

True, i did say its just a thought i have[walking to my room].
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Re: Power is King

Postby Cdv » Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:31 am

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Re: Power is King

Postby Mr. Rothschild » Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:28 pm

I like the idea of a total "Networth" type stat in the future.

You have my vote +1.
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Re: Power is King

Postby Grimrock Litless » Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:45 am

Guluere wrote:I have no idea if anyone suggested this, but...

Power is just a way to show how good/great someone is from the combination of this 5 things.

1) Fame

2) Influence

3) Wealth

4) Numbers

5) Achievements

Each will give a different amount of Power.

1) Fame
Each 2500 fame a person have gives 1 power, as even thought its small but big amount of fame will give a lot of power.

2) Influence
Influence works the same as Fame but each 1000 total influence will give 1 power.

3) Wealth
Wealth is a lot more different then Fame or Influence, it calculate all the money you currently has and also from bank.
Each 250,000 you have will give 25 power.[Each 10000 will give 1 power]
And the profit and loses will all be added to this.

4) Number
This measures that amount of ships a person has and also the type of ships the person have, eg: sotl: 11 LMM:59 = ??? power

5) Achievements
This measure your achievements like you build a hideout and/or top helper etc...

This can be change depending on how the dev like it to be, but its just a thought i have when i was walking to my room[lol].

Its just a way to measure all a person has done in the same and put it all into a number.

Edited the could wealth and influence work, as you lose influence every time and 1000 gold give 98 influence, 960 influence will give 1 power.
and each 100 power you get from wealth will add 10% to the wealth req to get 1 power, this will insure that people can't calculate your buried treasure
Well, he can but it will take time.
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Re: Power is King

Postby DezNutz » Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:01 pm

As the combat rankings have been implemented, this is definitely an interest take on a new stat (Power Ranking). Would like to hear some more from the community, as I'm on the fence on this.
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Re: [Review] Power Rankings

Postby PFH » Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:48 pm

A networth like rothschild said would be helpful in knowing the true power of a player. +1
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Re: [Review] Power Rankings

Postby Lefty » Wed Jan 09, 2019 2:07 am

Like, OK Grim you were right about this suggestion, but i never said it :)
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Re: [Review] Power Rankings

Postby DezNutz » Thu Jan 24, 2019 3:09 pm

Bumping for more input from the community.
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