by Sir Henry Morgan » Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:36 pm
1) The Academy for Hideouts. This feature alone enhances all of the various features of Pirates Glory - like voodoo cards, it can affect and enhance all areas of the game - from ship design, crew experience, officer tactics, voodoo enhancement, national diplomacy, influence, gold bar production, bank features, spy networks, specialized weapon production and munitions (new ideas) and more. It will provide a more flexible means to expand the game beyond voodoo cards.
2) Shipwright. More than gold bars and banking, ships are central to game play. It will also put the fishing boat on the board.
3) Random Hostile NPC attacks. We regularly see the NPC function if one goes to the plunder screen - what about a system where NPCs attack random fleets in the same way. Could be based on national or individual hostility. Also leave them on the p!under screens after they attack to provide unique trophies - ships, vodoo cards, officers, credits - when attacked.
NPC could use same tools - voodoo cards - too expose the fleets - at least hostile natives - or a special one only they use.
(#3 probably needs its own thread - so I shall stop here!)