Ships Market: Sell to shipwright if no bid (Small)

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Ships Market: Sell to shipwright if no bid (Small)

Postby Isabelle » Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:45 am

Would it be possible to have the option of selling a ship to the shipwright if it's on the ships market without a bid?

I can understand not giving the option to simply remove a ship from the market because a player could use the market as a "hideout" in times of trouble.
But what about having the option of selling the ship from the market to shipwright for GC if there is no bid against it?
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Re: Ships Market suggestion

Postby Captain Jack » Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:39 pm

A little refinement:
-Any ship with a market value (on 100%) less than 50K that has not been sold in 30 days time, can be sold to the shipwright (for the 70% normal fee).

This, can be accepted.
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Re: Ships Market suggestion

Postby Sebena » Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:56 pm

I would like to add little tweek on your preposition CJ 30 days is a little too long period of wait why not make it 15 days it's reasonable time of wait
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Re: Ships Market suggestion

Postby Captain Jack » Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:58 pm

Wolfie wrote:I would like to add little tweek on your preposition CJ 30 days is a little too long period of wait why not make it 15 days it's reasonable time of wait

Ok, approved.
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Re: Ships Market suggestion

Postby Sebena » Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:59 pm

Thank you I really aprreciat it ;)
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Re: [Approved] Ships Market suggestion

Postby PhoenixKnight » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:08 pm

I can understand the concern for using the market as hideout but when a ship like mine has been on the market for an extended period with no buyers, I feel I should get a choice to remove it from the market instead of dropping the price and taking a loss.
may be keep it 30-45 days in the market, if no bids then return it to the player? Just like cards.
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Re: [Approved] Ships Market suggestion

Postby Captain Jack » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:42 pm

Card market system is different than Ships market system. Let's not compare apples to peaches here.

You can obviously do not understand the full extend of the problem. As the market is structured, one can pull to safety 1000 ships if he wants during a raid. We will not make this happen.

Level 1 Howkers/sloops/cutters are a bad choice to put at the market as it seems as the sale rates are low. They do sell, but not that good. This is why we give the ability to offload them (and all other low cost ships). It's an improvement to the ship market.

For higher prices ships, you can simply choose a lesser price and they will sell , no matter what. This is more than enough for any legitimate seller. I do not accept the taking a loss argument, how will you avoid taking a loss? By recalling the ship home? Does this pay more? Even if I accept the argument, it is not enough to unlock possible cheating events. Player markets are a very fragile ecosystem that need strict ruling to endure cheating.

The only question left is what happens if you change your mind? Well, you cannot do anything in this case. The lore behind the ships market after all is that you are dealing with a 3rd party person who makes ship selling possible and this guy gives no second chances.
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Re: [Approved] Ships Market suggestion

Postby R0nnie » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:43 pm

i agree with PK on that. +1
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Re: [Approved] Ships Market suggestion

Postby Grapefruit » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:50 pm

I have dropped the price of all my ships on the market to one credit.
This is simply to help get the bidding started.
Buyers know a bargain when they see it, and if they don't have to wait as long they are willing to pay more.
I like the plan to be able to sell ships for coins instead.
What else are you going to do with a ship that you couldn't sell for credits?
If you wanted to use it you wouldn't have tried to sell it. and if this means that you take a loss then you are paying for your mistake, let's hope you learn from it.
However, I am noticing that the ships that are not selling are the high lvl ones so maybe the 50k limit is a bit low.
PS, when is the half price offer on market slots going to end? And when are the recent auction stats going to start?
PPS, happy Chinese new year its the year of the monkey!
PPPS, I started writing this before the previous two posts where up.
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Re: [Approved] Ships Market suggestion

Postby PhoenixKnight » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:59 pm

I have 2 SOL that are up for sail and have been for a while. I believe the asking price is fair and I would rather sell them for gold instead of getting such low credit for them. I still maintain that as a seller, I should be able to decide to pull it off the market if no one is bidding at my asking price or add an alternative gold pricing so you can bid both ways. That would require establishing a standard gold to credit formula though.

If you are telling me the 60 point SOL is worth 100 credits then I have to strongly disagree!
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