Nation Diplomacy

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Nation Diplomacy

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:16 pm

Nation Diplomacy Discussion

† Available Treaties †
  • No Relationship
  • Current status for all countries
  • Peace
  • Hostility penalties (ie 5 Hostility with your own nation per attack) on own citizens are applied when battles between the nations under a Peace Treaty attack each other
  • Alliance
  • Severe (ie, 10 points) hostility penalties when attacking citizens of allied nation.
  • WAR
  • For every attack against this nation , some kind of reward will be given by the nation. This can be set upon war declaration so it can be different for each nation (ie, your country will be able to give you 25k per battle plus 25k for every win against the citizens of the nation you are at war with)
  • CeaseFire
  • One of the ways to end a war - An approved Ceasefire will stop the war. Ceasefires will last for 3 days by the moment they are approved. During the ceasefire time, the treaty will count like a Peace treaty (similar rules as peace will apply). By the end of the 3 days, the Ceasefire will be removed and two nations will return to no relationship status. Ceasefires will include a tribute fee to be paid by one of the nations.

New Laws to assist diplomacy:
-Hostility limit for citizenship removal. Once this is met, the violator will be a Pirate (minimum is 75 which will remain as the default value)
-Hostility ratings for attacking Own citizens/Citizens of Nations that have a Peace treaty with you/Allied Nation's citizens
-Denial of Citizenship - This will be available for application to any member of the nation who has been convicted at least 1 time in the last 30 days (he has LOST citizenship at least once in last 30 days). Denial of Citizenship will last 180 days and it will be irreversible at version 1.0 - Ability to revoke this will be introduced later.

Diplomacy Management

Votings will be used once again. They will feature a new mechanism: premature ending when voting majority is met.

An open X-days voting will open at proposing nation. The voting will need X days or absolute majority (If there are 100 available votes, the voting will close prematurely at 51 votes in favor). Once it is successful, a new voting will appear at the receiving nation where its citizens will be asked to Accept the Treaty or Reject it.

The proposed maximum voting life for each treaty are:
-Peace: 2 Days
-Alliance: 3 Days
-War: 36 Hours (1.5 days) when there is no relationship between nations, 48 Hours (2 days) when a Peace Treaty is in place and 72hours (3 days) when an alliance is in place.
-Ceasefire: 24 hours

So typically, a Peace will need 4 days (maximum) to be established, alliances a maximum of 6 days while wars will need up to 3 days to be declared.

Forwarding design in Nation Diplomacy, here are some more ideas.

Send Payments Ability

Nations will be able to send payments to each other. Standard rules will apply.


A daily fee paid by one country to another.
Voting processes will open to both countries for tribute to be established.
Limitations will apply to protect inactive countries from getting in debt from rogue-kings.

Trade Pacts
Peace status will be required

Trade pacts will be forged between nations.
They will share the port's market bonuses in between participating nations. (ie, if there is a trade Pact between Egypt and Spain, then Spaniards will get port market bonuses on Egyptians ports and Egyptians to Spanish ports respectively).
There will be the ability to include or except ports for increased diplomatic options.
Daily fees (optional) will be available (especially handy for nations that do not control any port).

Service Pacts
Just like trade pacts only that they will refer to all other port-specific title bonuses (ship building,crew hiring,etc).

Allied Countries
An alliance will grant by default the trade/service pact perks (no need to separately define them for allies).

Mutual Defense Pacts

These will be private (hidden from public). Peace status will be required.
This is a different pact from an alliance. Mutual Defense pacts will have specific objectives which will be activated under specific circumstances.

For example:
Bermuda and Tokelau could sign a Mutual defense pact for Neapolis and Aiora for 10M a day/maximum 20 days. Spain however decides to become aggressive and captures Neapolis. This will activate the Mutual Defense pact Bermuda had with Tokelau. For the next 20 says, Tokelau treasury will send 20M in aid to Bermuda.

Another example:
Bermuda and Tokelau sign a mutual defense pact against Spain. If Spain declares war against any of the two nations, then it will automatically enter the war with the other too. In case Tokelau declares against Spain though, then since the aggressor is one of the two nations that signed the pact, Bermuda will stay outside the war.

More types can be scripted (different objectives/triggers/rewards/support)

Vassal Countries

We could script a vassal system as well. Something along these lines which I will describe with an example:

Let's suppose that Mexico is a vassal country of Spain.
-Mexico has the obligation to follow Spain in all its wars (automatically declares in all enemies of Spain).
-Mexico pays a daily fee (non-expiring tribute) to Spain as long as they are vassals (most probably a % of the daily tax income).
-Mexico and Spain enjoy all the perks and statuses they would get if they were allied.
-Mexico has no diplomacy of its own. It cannot be declared a war. A war to spain needs to be declared instead (so it will then automatically enter the war as well).
-It cannot form any treaties on its own (ie defense pacts, trade pacts).
-Any pacts signed by Spain with other countries (ie trade pacts) do not apply to Mexico.
-It's king is considered a Spanish puppet (I am role-playing obviously)

CommonWealth System Expansion

Ability to create a CommonWealth could become possible. Ruler of the Commonwealth will be a King of the participating countries. Initially the founder but there will be a periodical election system (ie, every 3 months) to declare a new Ruler.

Entering a commonwealth will have certain buffs and limitations by default. Here is a list with some that could be included:
-Peace between all nations will be obliged.
-Trade Pacts will be active by default in between every member of the CommonWealth.
-Participating nations could share their tax income based on a pact signed by each participating nation.
-Nations will not be able declare war to any nation in the same commonwealth. Either nation must leave first.
-Entering and leaving a commonwealth will be based on votings. Once entered though, you will be obliged to stay for a specified amount of time (ie, 1 month).
-Vassal Countries will not be able to join a Common Wealth other than the Commonwealth that their Overlord is participating.

More can be fitted here, although a bit early to chew more on this in particular.

Feel free to add your feedback, propose your own ideas. This is a DISCUSSION topic, not a suggestion.
(Old topic reference: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=323 )
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Re: Nation Diplomacy

Postby Sebena » Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:12 pm

If I may ask what will be benefits of alliance between nations
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Re: Nation Diplomacy

Postby Roberts » Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:25 pm

Wolfie wrote:If I may ask what will be benefits of alliance between nations

If you are teamed up with Mexico, you get free Donkeys... Enough said really... :P I would say x Nation you team up with has to pay ransom if one of there players hits another... ( Not sure )
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Re: Nation Diplomacy

Postby Sebena » Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:48 pm

Lol donkeys are great deal but I'll pass...

Now if we speak about ransome how will that affect NPC fleets will country pay ransome for them also
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Re: Nation Diplomacy

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:51 pm

There is much to chew over in the proposals, but at first glance, they offer some interesting ideas, both singly and in combination.
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Re: Nation Diplomacy

Postby Dejanira » Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:34 am

Yes, what are the benefits is a good point. If there are only penalties in being allied, I guess no one will :)
And the benefits cannot regard owned ports, or it would mean no one would ally with one of the (several) nations who own no ports.
What if diplomacy among Guilds instead of Nations?
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Re: Nation Diplomacy

Postby Captain Jack » Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:59 am

The only benefit I listed above is to discourage naval battles between the allied nations (due to hostility penalties). This can be one of the perks though. If you can think more, please share.
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Re: Nation Diplomacy

Postby Sebena » Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:10 am

Well for example we could get little bonus for doing trades in allied ports for example Bermuda and Spain make alliance so each player who sails under the bermudan flag gets like 10% on income (numbers for bonus are discutable) and same goes for players who fly spain flag.

Resources sold in ports between nations are cheaper for 1 shiny coin
this can be restricted like it applies only if both nations own port.

All bonuses for the ranks which we get in our nation ports could apply in allied ports also.

That's all for now if I remember anything else I'll write.
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Re: Nation Diplomacy

Postby Stan Rogers » Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:27 am

I think they may be a little too strict but for the life of me, cannot offer any alternatives yet.

The problem I see is if there are agreements that fall in between the rules. eg: Ayes and HELm have a gentleman's agreement of limited amount of hits/player in 24 hrs.

This is to encourage battles to happen but somewhat limits malicious acts of ship-stealing (except for dead accounts which is another topic to address in this thread) and 'friendly' battles that are a fair part of the game IMO

On the other hand, it will bring a new level of awareness to who you hit if you concerned what flag you fly. It will also make for some lively debates in council given the multicultural aspect of some guilds and the monoculture of others when laws and treaty's are discussed
I would almost pay credits just to sit in and watch the voting in Mexico council. :lol:
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Re: Nation Diplomacy

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:05 am

Stan rogers wrote:...

I would almost pay credits just to sit in and watch the voting in Mexico council. :lol:

It would be poor viewing : we mostly sit around drinking tea, debating Cicero and parsing Latin conjunctions : except when Cappy runs around nakkid screaming 'We are all doomed!' : so, definitely much too boring to charge for.
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