by DezNutz » Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:35 pm
The number of skirmishes against any particular player has changed since this suggestion has been put forth, thus allowing for more chances depending on the number of fleets a player has owned. The minimum is 5.
I was on the fence with this and was writing out a detailed response of where I stood, until I reached a realization in regards to skirmish points.
To keep it short, I was thinking that the best way to address escape concern is to separate escapes into two parts. Escapes before action (no skirmish action usage), and Escapes during battle (skirmish action used). As I was writing it, it dawned on me that if an escape before battle didn't count, why should it cost a skirmish point. Since you expend a skirmish point an escape should count towards a players skirmish count.
Simply put. You spend a skirmish point, they have an action. 1 Skirmish Point Used = 1 Skirmish Action Against Player Used. What the action entails doesn't matter, whether it is a successful defense, a loss, or an escape.
-1 Disapprove on both counts of the suggestion.
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