A general discussion about Banks. Do not list possible bugs here, use the appropriate forum threads.
To fuel the discussion, we will list some ideas we have here. Specifically, we want to accomplish some objectives for Banks. These are:
-Few Banks available or Banks that are available, are active Banks
-Banks are not used to serve a single person; their owner
-We want to encourage the usage of loans.
-We want to encourage the creation of Loan Shark banks.
I have just created a few tweaks that can happen right now, without the need of excessive development. You can check it here:
Banks proposed Tweaks
We have some more ideas though, for addon features that can help greatly. Here is a simple list (FEEL FREE TO PROPOSE YOUR OWN):
BANK Limits
Max Bank Balance for banker: Bank Level * 100M (This is doubled when Bank Level is 15 or greater).
Max Bank Balance for clients: Bank Level * 100M * 2
Max Account Balance for clients: Bank Level * 2.5M (Can be configured downwards from bankers)
Minimum Loan Duration: 7 Days
Maximum Loan Duration: 730 Days
-Loan Insurance for players with less than 1000 turns.
To encourage loans to new players, we are ready to offer loan insurance to bankers, directly from the "game treasury". How it will work:
1.It will be relative to Bank Level. The insurance level will be 5% per level. This means that a level 20 Bank will get a 100% insurance.
2.It will be given only for the players that turn inactive. So, if you give a loan to a newbie and then he becomes inactive, you will take your money back and the loan will be removed. As an inactivity limit, we will use 30 days.
3.The insurance will work on the money the banker paid and has not took back and it will not give any profit (no need to create exploitation holes)
4.The insurance will take in mind debtors account balance which means that if the account has 200k and he took 100k, insurance will not be activated at all as the Banker already has the money missing in an indirect way.
-Ability to use something as collateral for the loan you ask
-Ships can be used, through Private Marina only.
-Gold Bars perhaps but we will need to see how. Perhaps we can add a building (a pawn shop) that will do this thing and it will be run by players. Banks and Pawn Shops cooperation will be possible. Perhaps this way would be also better for ships as well.
-The Bank Account funds of a middle person who can be the guarantee man.
I will post more as they come to me.
Meanwhile, Shoot your own