Gold Bars further uses

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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Stan Rogers » Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:59 pm

The whole topic revolves around increased need for gold bars to stimulate growth. May I submit that the lack of gold bars are in part, due to the price of the smelter ?
It is going to take some time before smelting GB becomes a profitable venture mainly due to the cost of the smelter.
In my case, I sold, traded, party'ed and EJ'ed my way to build a forge that could produce me a GB at current market prices.

There is nothing left to invest to get my GB cost down to where selling on the market becomes a viable way to profit.

I suppose I could try to get a loan of 100,000,000 and raise up my forge 3 lvls but still, my problem is I do not earn enough gc to feed it, and make my loan payments and with a volatile GB market, very easy to lose your shirt and over extend oneself.

I have not worked out the numbers to the decimal but until I have enough profit on the sale of a GB to make smithing and transport worthwhile, the smith only runs when I need it to avoid purchasing GB. When I get my next 40 mil saved up, perhaps I'll invest in the smith again but atm, the smith has a lot of work to do to earn its current gc outlay.

Perhaps not enough time has passed to accurately predict the need/availability for GB yet.
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Francois le Clerc » Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:11 pm

ok capt jack said merchantman are the best traders.....wouoldnt TG's be the best
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Loki » Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:54 pm

Quetzalcoatl wrote:-1

So what's the point? Find a use for gold bars that are now on the market? How do you justify a 291k increase in the sotl, or even a 29K on the lmm? The current price for ships seems fair and the little previous discussion concerning the build cost here on the board seems to point that out. For a new player the ship build cost is monumental as it is. For the old player, he can build new ships by the 100's with all his gold, but Captains are his/her worry, not ship cost. Build the new buildings that are in planning and don't create ship build cost problems when there are little to none. The use of gold bars is sure to come with future buildings in the hideout.

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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:16 pm

Loki wrote:
Quetzalcoatl wrote:-1

So what's the point? Find a use for gold bars that are now on the market? How do you justify a 291k increase in the sotl, or even a 29K on the lmm? The current price for ships seems fair and the little previous discussion concerning the build cost here on the board seems to point that out. For a new player the ship build cost is monumental as it is. For the old player, he can build new ships by the 100's with all his gold, but Captains are his/her worry, not ship cost. Build the new buildings that are in planning and don't create ship build cost problems when there are little to none. The use of gold bars is sure to come with future buildings in the hideout.


No one is forcing you to build LMMs and SoLs though,right? If price is the problem, built a fluyt, its the least expensive. Or a frigate - less cannons but that's why you pay more on SoLs.

Not to mention that prices also seemed fair when a SoL cost 75k gold coins and a large merchantman 7k.
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Warrior » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:25 am

I +1 now :)
Want to trade ships or voodoo cards or whatever, just contact me in-game.
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Loki » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:28 am

Captain Jack wrote:
No one is forcing you to build LMMs and SoLs though,right? If price is the problem, built a fluyt, its the least expensive. Or a frigate - less cannons but that's why you pay more on SoLs.

You mentioned that you wanted to restrict the amount in the game, I see gold bars as one way but personally I see a reasonable sized trader having no problem building fleets of them and it would be back to the same position. Perhaps you could look at the increase in cost and combine a tie in with nation missions so they are not even available until players have climbed the social ladder within a nation thus giving a greater degree of control over the amount available.
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:54 pm

Have the level of hide-out workshop and marina 'unlock' new improved ship types, as in, your craftsmen and ship-builders acquire the skills to do so : this would give a couple of paths to acquiring them : develop and build them : steal them off one who already has done that (or stolen them already) ; buy them in the ship-market.

We already have 'families' of ship types : sloops, brigs, fluyts, galleons, merchantmen, frigates : if at the start, you only get to build the basic model : you then have to 'unlock' the next steps up. You can still steal, buy, commandeer or tidal wave better ones, its just that you will be restricted to ordering the 'standard' models that can be built in your local dockyard.

This would also make your 'marina' your in-house dockyard, which with any technologies/abilities that Academy may bring, will build your own-specification ships, thus a higher level would logically be needed for larger ships : your new ships would be held safely in your marina (space permitting) until 'launched' by being allocated into a fleet.

I'd take it a bit further, by adding a 'build-time' to your 'own-build' ships : it does seem a bit daft that I can build 20 ships, one after the other and get them immediately, turns and coins permitting. Or give the option : spend the turns, as now, to get it now or spend just a 'starter' amount of turns then wait for it to be done : we already have a 'conversion' rate of turns to time (1 turn=10mins) which seems to work fine in the hide-out builds, just make your own -build ships work the same way.

Any player would still be able to build the basic-level ships (and any types they have unlocked) in any dockyard, just as now, for coin and turns : the hide-out/marina would save turns, build better ships (with academy/special abilities) : I also think it would encourage a ship market, or more fights to steal them.
-1 : Move to archive.
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Barnabas Sackett » Thu May 28, 2015 2:42 am

Captain Jack wrote:I can see that the gold bars are starting to hit the market. This is the opportune moment to announce further uses of Gold Bars.

Ship Building: (Only for construction, upgrades will require 0).
-Large Merchantman will require 10 Gold Bars (per ship)
-Ship of the Line will require 100 Gold Bars (per ship)



x Gold Bar each where x = ((Captains Hired/100) - 1)
Rounded down, minimum 0
This translates to:
1 Gold bar each for Captains 200 to 299
2 Gold bars each for captains 300 to 399
3 Gold bars each for captains 400 to 499
and so on.

Same with Admirals and Merchants with this formula used:
x Gold Bar each where x = ((Officers Hired/40) - 1)


If you feel more/fewer gold bar metrics should be used, let us know. Generally, we feel that these are the least we can start with.
More ideas, feel free to add.

Any updates on this?
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Barnabas Sackett » Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:50 pm

Maybe i missed something, but *bump*
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Re: Gold Bars further uses

Postby Captain Jack » Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:43 am

I think it is still too early. The stocks at the markets are still low for such an implementation. Gold Bars are still at large used for Goldsmith upgrades. Academy will follow up and will need Gold Bars too. If at any point, gold bars demands drops significantly or supplies grows significantly, we will implement the gold bars cost for LMM and SoLs. If the hypothetical problem continues, then it will be up to the market (players) to resolve it.
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