[Now possible] Guilds Treasury Ability

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Re: Give Guilds Treasury Ability

Postby Captain Jack » Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:58 pm

I know that you all want tools to improve guild cooperation. I really believe that a scripted guild treasury is not in the best interests for the game by the time we already have national treasuries and Banks.

After all, Banks right now, can facilitate these needs, indirectly. Remember, Guilds are 1-man-control whereas Nations are not, which should make the management of such a concept easier. It is similar if we added a guild treasury, as it could be managed by 1 person alone- the guildmaster. It should make no real difference if a Bankers does this instead.

You can even charge your members a daily fee, to be used in times of need, with the current system. There are two ways to achieve this convincingly; either create a guild Bank (the guildmaster perhaps) or use a Banker you trust to do this for you. (Same nation guilds have extra options already, for a long time now)

To charge a fee, you can either tell everyone to send a montly or a weekly or a daily payment to the Guild Treasury manager (perhaps the guildmaster?) to his own Bank or to the Bank you are using (Bank levels of course matter here a lot). I realize that the limits are going to hinder things but these can be resolved in various ways (buried gold,nation treasure, gold bars, ships) that the Guild Treasury manager must find and use.

To help you more, I will tell you of another way.

Create loans for every member which they will have to pay on standing order. Loan payments do NOT have ANY restrictions. So, you can create an exact fee (given the option that they return the initial payment as they get it) that will be collected without the pain of any limits in mind. If someone stops paying, you throw him out or whatever.

So, there, you have your guild treasury already so I will signal this as Now possible.
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Re: Give Guilds Treasury Ability

Postby MAjesty » Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:45 pm

Captain Jack wrote: How come you guys don't realize we already did this for you.
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Re: Give Guilds Treasury Ability

Postby Captain Jack » Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:48 pm

MAjesty wrote:
Captain Jack wrote: How come you guys don't realize we already did this for you.

I think I mostly said:

Captain Jack wrote: Hey guys, we did this for you.

since this suggestion is before the implementation of Banks.
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Re: [Now possible] Guilds Treasury Ability

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:17 pm

How about a much simpler solution : A guild master (or nominated Treasurer : under the rank system such can be created) can operate a 'guild' account with a nominated bank separate from their own funds/account : the account would have no upper limit and would not act upon the banks own deposit limits : guild-members can deposit funds into it via the payment system, the guild-master can send payments out of it likewise : job done.
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Re: [Now possible] Guilds Treasury Ability

Postby Stan Rogers » Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:41 pm

The current proposal does not work for me for many reasons therefore I opt out. :cry:
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Re: Give Guilds Treasury Ability

Postby Charles Vane » Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:52 am

Captain Jack wrote:I know that you all want tools to improve guild cooperation. I really believe that a scripted guild treasury is not in the best interests for the game by the time we already have national treasuries and Banks.

After all, Banks right now, can facilitate these needs, indirectly. Remember, Guilds are 1-man-control whereas Nations are not, which should make the management of such a concept easier. It is similar if we added a guild treasury, as it could be managed by 1 person alone- the guildmaster. It should make no real difference if a Bankers does this instead.

You can even charge your members a daily fee, to be used in times of need, with the current system. There are two ways to achieve this convincingly; either create a guild Bank (the guildmaster perhaps) or use a Banker you trust to do this for you. (Same nation guilds have extra options already, for a long time now)

To charge a fee, you can either tell everyone to send a montly or a weekly or a daily payment to the Guild Treasury manager (perhaps the guildmaster?) to his own Bank or to the Bank you are using (Bank levels of course matter here a lot). I realize that the limits are going to hinder things but these can be resolved in various ways (buried gold,nation treasure, gold bars, ships) that the Guild Treasury manager must find and use.

To help you more, I will tell you of another way.

Create loans for every member which they will have to pay on standing order. Loan payments do NOT have ANY restrictions. So, you can create an exact fee (given the option that they return the initial payment as they get it) that will be collected without the pain of any limits in mind. If someone stops paying, you throw him out or whatever.

So, there, you have your guild treasury already so I will signal this as Now possible.

I was reading back to find guild treasuries as I knew it was discussed. This is the best topic I found and wanted to address this quote specifically.

The reason I was reading for the guild treasuries, is I would like to come up with a tribute system for pirates. It was common, and for pirates taking on larger responsibilities Ie. Captains etc, they received a larger share of the plunder. (They ran the risk of being deposed on some vessels if they were not doing their jobs well enough). I think a guild treasury would be perfect for setting a small or large tax on plunder income and being able to divide the booty out as shares for everyone's invested work in both earning and taking on the responsibilities given to them by the crew. PIRAT is working on a democratic system for the guild as we speak and an incentive for the higher roles is perfect.

Now for quoting CJ, everything suggested here as a solution does not work for pirates. We do not have a national treasury, and we do not have access to our own banks. Not to mention taxing plunder is perfect for the concept I wish to build on. Is there anyway we can revisit this or perhaps come up with something for pirates around a treasury of sorts?

If anyone else has Ideas on how I may go about this please share.
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Re: [Now possible] Guilds Treasury Ability

Postby DezNutz » Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:09 am

The issue I see with implementing something of this nature is that Guilds lack a defining structure. In the current game setup, a guild's function and role is willy nilly and can change based on the guild owner on a whim. A Pirate guild can turn into a Nation Guild solely by the leadership all joining the same nation and changing their guilds purpose as they see fit.

Guilds would need a defined in-game type. That type would allow or restrict certain features available to guilds based on the type of guild it is. I suggested defining guilds via a set structure, but the idea was not well received.
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Re: [Now possible] Guilds Treasury Ability

Postby Dejanira » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:23 am

This thread says "now possible" and the thread is in the "implemented" section, but it is not implemented. :o:
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Re: [Now possible] Guilds Treasury Ability

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:35 am

Dejanira wrote:This thread says "now possible" and the thread is in the "implemented" section, but it is not implemented. :o:

I think CJ considers the proposal needs as met because it can be done by using the various workarounds he suggests : Vane does make the excellent point that pirate guilds cant use those workarounds as they cannot run banks.
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Re: [Now possible] Guilds Treasury Ability

Postby Dejanira » Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:34 am

Got it :y
Thank you Danik
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