pick a card allows user to select a certain card you want

Do you have an idea for a card ? Do you want a tweak on existing voodoo cards? Perhaps you even want one of them removed? This is where you can post your suggestion.

Re: pick a card allows user to select a certain card you wan

Postby Sir Colchian Niveus » Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:38 pm

The first idea was saying steal a specific card! the first idea was placed by "doh" and then Grant just explained it! after that you just putted a +1 on the idea and i disagreed! why don't you just chill a bit? who gives you the permission to tell me if i say nonsense or whom to do what because i disagree with your opinion? WoW we've got a badass here.. As Portgas said before here is a forum to say our opinion to make the game better! you have the same power as us in those forums! so chill a bit!
I'm here to listen, everybodys beliefs. What i'm expressing, is only my opinion. The name "Dragon" comes from the Greek "drakeîn" meaning "to see clearly".

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Re: pick a card allows user to select a certain card you wan

Postby WannaBe » Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:45 pm

WoW someone is over reacting LoL
hahaha :D
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Re: pick a card allows user to select a certain card you wan

Postby Roberts » Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:47 pm

I would often like ring sides to a beheading but i have to admit this just cuts the line of pure savagery ... :lol:

But seriously can we all just take a breath of fresh air * Inhale *~* Exhale*
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Re: pick a card allows user to select a certain card you wan

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:13 pm

Monkey D. Luffy wrote:The first idea was saying steal a specific card! the first idea was placed by "doh" and then Grant just explained it! after that you just putted a +1 on the idea and i disagreed! why don't you just chill a bit? who gives you the permission to tell me if i say nonsense or whom to do what because i disagree with your opinion? WoW we've got a badass here.. As Portgas said before here is a forum to say our opinion to make the game better! you have the same power as us in those forums! so chill a bit!

'Danik renoir wrote:
If I understand it right, its a sort of 'wild card' or 'joker' that you can then swap for a named card?

yes like if i need expedition which i rarely get and the price a person wants for one on the market is outrageous
this would make life easier'

Again, read the thread : the original post makes no mention of stealing a card... it says 'pick a card'.. nothing about stealing it from another player : my question (as above with answer) again... nothing about stealing a card : just duplicating it in exchange for the new card. So, grant did not explain anything, he created an addition to the original idea and then objected to it. As neither the original poster or myself then agreed with grant that his interpretation was correct, why assume we did agree? As for my '+1'.. show me it... you can't, it isn't there either. What is there is my comment is that as it is much like Duplicate, but without the 50/50 chance or the seed card to copy, it would need to cost much more turns to use and that it might then have some use. Again, where is the 'stealing cards from other players' in that? Not there either. So I reckon saying the claims that I'm insisting on imposing this card I have proposed that allows players to steal other players cards and cast them back are nonsense is quite reasonable as they are based on nothing actually said by myself. Maybe I added my +1 to grants comments? Nope. Or to any other comment in the thread? Nope. So, my suggestion of imaginations at work is a fair comment too. Let me guess, pointing out your errors is a gross violation of your right to have an opinion. Well, opinions can differ.
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Re: pick a card allows user to select a certain card you wan

Postby Kart » Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:44 pm

Not only all this, but Danik hates children, dogs and old people. lol

Give it a break. Go back and read from the beginning. Danik is telling the truth. He didn't propose it and he didn't exactly agree with it either. Like many things it could be something worth CONSIDERING with a certain amount of tweaking. But, personally I don't see the point in the card when we have Duplicate and a Voodoo market.
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Re: pick a card allows user to select a certain card you wan

Postby Sir Colchian Niveus » Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:04 pm

Kart the fact is that i didn't said that Danik created the card or proposed it! maybe you should read and look what i said! i disagreed with the general idea! but Danik as a bully with no maners had to be offensive and offend me because i said my opinion! i have nothing more to say with this guy.. if he thinks he is the president and that he can talk like this, he is the one that should reconsider what there is in his head and who is imagining things! Out of this rediculous discussion! LOL

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I'm here to listen, everybodys beliefs. What i'm expressing, is only my opinion. The name "Dragon" comes from the Greek "drakeîn" meaning "to see clearly".

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Re: pick a card allows user to select a certain card you wan

Postby Grogggy » Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:12 pm

Just because I had nothing to do with it and the townspeople have already gathered with pitchforks...Danik is the poster child of a propped up player, dependent on stacks of voodoo neither gathered nor earned.

I don't need evidence beyond his player number...

And if, boohoo, you haven't made friends here, its because your personality comes out in your playstyle.
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Re: pick a card allows user to select a certain card you wan

Postby Synyster » Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:15 pm

Danik, have u got blocked nose or something? Can't u smell trolls, cos i did.. 2 of em.. and i kinda feel like you were taking their bait and feeding them.. :lol:

Edit: Dangs it was supposed to come up before Groggy's.. and anyways nice having u back, hopefully on a more permanent basis.. :D
Last edited by Synyster on Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pick a card allows user to select a certain card you wan

Postby Grogggy » Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:18 pm

troll and a half...I think the card idea is dumb.
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Re: pick a card allows user to select a certain card you wan

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:39 pm

Grogggy wrote:Just because I had nothing to do with it and the townspeople have already gathered with pitchforks...Danik is the poster child of a propped up player, dependent on stacks of voodoo neither gathered nor earned.

I don't need evidence beyond his player number...

And if, boohoo, you haven't made friends here, its because your personality comes out in your playstyle.

Always nice to hear from the dis-interested by-stander!

Welcome back, Groggy!
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