Nations Control/Laws Manual

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Nations Control/Laws Manual

Postby Captain Jack » Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:36 pm

Manage Treasury Mechanism

The first Treasury management option will be added today:
  • Any council member will be able to initiate a payment decision.
  • Possible targets can be only players at the same nation (during the initiation of the voting procedure)
  • For now, only direct deposit towards a player will be possible.
  • After initiation, a voting will follow to accept or reject the proposed payment.
  • Such voting will last a maximum of 3 days but if a 2:1 is met (or majority and no veto) the voting will close prematurely.
  • Like law votings, voting conclussion will happen on the top of the hour.
  • After voting conclussion, if the act is accepted, the proposed amount will be deposited immediately to the player account.
  • There will be a 1% transfer fee for these transactions.

Limits to max amount:
  • Amount offered should not exceed 75% of total treasury (taking in mind all open payments).
  • A single payment may not exceed 25% of total treasury.
  • A single person may not have more than 1 open payments from a single nation.
  • Total Amount may not exceed 1,000,000,000

Future addons (once Banks are implemented)
  • More payment options will be added (ie Loans which Banks will manage)
  • Transfer fees will go to bankers where possible.
  • Ability to sell debts to banks

Nation Debts Mechanism

With the implementation of Ships Tax (first inclussion today) the citizens will start to have debts to each country. Laws already define minimum allowed limits before penalties such as interest and hostility points are added. At any case,there will be sufficient debt management for both the countries and the citizens.

Player Management
  • Players will get to choose whether to pay automatically or manually
  • Automatic payment will be done during update right after upkeep as long as players have at least 100k and the amount required.
  • Manual payments will be created as loans towards the user.
  • According to each country's law, interest may be applied.
  • At no case any interest or any penalties will be created at the day of the loan creation (day 1) even if this is off limits. This means that every player will have at least 1 day to pay manually before any penalties are applied.
  • Manual payment will be carried through Treasury page (Upkeep -> Details -> Pay Debt).
  • Partial payments will be possible.
  • Extended options for automatic payments will be added in the near future

Country Management
  • A debt is never lost and accompanies the player even if he joins another country.
  • The debtor must either pay it or seek to remove it through a deal with country officials (or ignore it).
  • Removal will be possible by voting majority.
  • Although debts on deported citizens will remain, no further interest will be added.
  • Later on, countries will be able to sell any debt to a banker.

Law System and voting procedure explained in detail

Firstly, every citizen already has a declared voting power which is relative to its current title. For example, citizens have a voting power of 0, Admirals a voting power of 5 while a King has a voting power of 20.

Every nation, has its officials which are those of DUKE title and ABOVE.

Any nation decision will be depicted through a law. IE, taxation for ships will be a separate law which nation officials will be able to revise.

-Any nation official may propose a voting for a new law at anytime. (select through a list of laws)
-Any nation official may propose a voting for a law revision once at least 72 hours has passed since the end of last voting for the particular law.
-All laws will be scripted in game and will be created through requests towards game developers. These requests will be suggested in the forums. According to popularity (sole criteria for fast delivery - your game, your laws) we will try our best to deliver as fast as possible. Non popular laws will still be developed but not on priority. Once a law is ready and scripted, it will be available for selection for all nations.

-A majority of votes will be needed in order for a law to become active for first time.

Especially for revisions that take place within 30 days since last revision, an extra requirement of marginal votes in compare to last voting will be required.
Let's say players decide to tax ships for 5000 gold coins with a total vote power of 100 saying yes and a total vote power of 50 saying no.
Then some officials decide to revise it after 10 days. The result after 10 days is 10 saying yes and 60 saying no. By the time that 60 is less than 100, the voting will fail.

**If you notice any difference with in-game, please let me know by PM to update THIS text
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Captain Jack
Project Coordinator
Posts: 4043
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:12 am
Location: Pania

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