In light of the forthcoming implementation of the Gold resource (Gold bars production - trading will soon be possible!), we are going to slightly tweak the looting earnings when you win a battle.
Right now, what a ship carries only plays a role if the defender cannot pay the ransom. In this case, the loot is transformed to gold coins automatically and it pays the attacker.
This, besided being illogical and not self-exlanatory (as it should be), it happens rarely in battles. This was expected to start taking place with the forthcoming Gold Resource but after all, it seems we are going to retire this mechanism.
We are looking to both simplify it and also make it more interesting for all parties involved. The idea is to enable the winner to always loot the ship cargo of the defender.
To further enhance this, we are going to let the engine (AI) to determine how to use the total fleet cargo space for both defender and attacker. This also means that not only the cargo of the last ship will be looted, but the cargo of the entire fleet. As long as there is enough space to the attacker.
Taking in mind that losing fleets are mostly merchant ships losing to war ships, it means that a single merchant fleet will still have some cargo loot left on board after one or even two attacks. This,or crafty pirates will create more interesting fleets that will also take in mind this variable.
Eventually, the plunder rules will become:
Plunder Help File wrote:-What I earn from plunder ?
*You earn gold coins and fame.
In detail:
*Loser has 10% of his total fame removed (Note: When initial fame amount exceeds 1 Million points, it becomes 5%) - Winner takes the half of this fame added on.
*Loser loses all cargo that the winner can carry. Total fleet cargo is taken in calculation, not only last ship's cargo.
*The loser must pay a ransom equal to the 10% value of the base ship price that lost the battle (last ship matters) + 1~5% of his gold. (There is a limit of 250 000 max gold coins per plunder).
If the loser does not have enough ransom gold in his treasury, then he loses the ship to the winner. (only if loser has more than 1 ships AND ship was not sunk in battle)
Much more straighforward and self-explanatory too, right? This system will also allow us to implement technologies (researchable in Hideout's Academy) that will affect cargo loot plunder percentages for both attack (when you win) and defence (when you lose).
Your thoughts are of great interest for us.