(Common) Hostile Natives

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Re: (Common) Hostile Natives

Postby Captain dungeness » Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:36 pm

Hawk wrote:This card has always been a little strong for a common card, and I think both traders and pirates would like the change

I agree. +1
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Re: (Common) Hostile Natives

Postby Grogggy » Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:58 pm

No, it is the great equalizer and the peoples card.

Why would any self respecting pirate want to weaken Hostile Natives?

Next you'll be after me wooden leg, me parrot and me wenches!!!
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Re: (Common) Hostile Natives

Postby Painmaster » Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:41 pm

your wooden leg is old and rotten, your parrot is irritating, and your wenches are hideous...

Nope, not interested.

Your gold, on the other hand...

+1 to the suggestion
In the beginning, the world was created. This has widely been regarded as a bad move.
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Re: (Common) Hostile Natives

Postby Grogggy » Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:04 am

Wait, do you play this game?
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Re: (Common) Hostile Natives

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:10 am

]I disagree - the Hostile Natives curse is a raiding curse, as once a fleet is exposed, and attacked, the fleet pauses, allowing only one attack per fleet. This puts large traders at a greater disadvantage than smaller traders, but that be the case regardless, and a natural consequence of being a large (or small) trader.

The other tool - the Fugatives of Justice - is a more expensive curse, less available, and more of a war tool than a pirate raiding tool. If it sticks over a period of time, it is much more lethal to a trader than the Hostile Natives curse.

Until other means of pirating come to be, the Hostile Natives is the main strategy of the pirate against the trader. Traders have many ways to profit. Pirates have fewer ways.

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Re: (Common) Hostile Natives

Postby Xanadu » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:59 am

Wait, I'm famous? :o Since the rule change that pauses fleets at 2 danger has taken effect, the HN card has lost some of it's power. This, IMO, is just about right for Hawk's purposes. The card should be left in the common category. The danger that can be done by this card to a trader can also be reduced by alert guild members who check the active voodoo page for their guild and remove the curses like FFJ and HN thus further rendering the cards less powerful. Right now I think it is almost easier to take down a battle fleet than bleed a trader dry.
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Re: (Common) Hostile Natives

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:35 am

I think Hostile Natives is pitched just about right as it is : Its not a card for wiping a target player out, it is a 'Raid' card that gives you, at best, one hit per fleet and the chance to pick up some plunder from that. So, I think its 'common' nature is justified.

If, (from noting a vulnerability in the targets fleets, purse size, response or lack there-off), you fancy going further then other options exist to extend the raid. That's when rarer cards like Fugi/Ambush/Levi can be brought into play to get the bigger pay-offs.

It should not be made any easier to take a player down and it should remain damn difficult to wipe them out fully. But its also right that opportunistic raids that keep us all on our toes and keep the gold flowing back and forth are not made any more difficult either.
-1 : Move to archive.
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