Lost Weekend

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Lost Weekend

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat May 17, 2014 9:29 am

card name : Lost Weekend

turns reqd : 20

use : self - player only

short description : Player is removed from all game activity for 3 days

period : 72hrs

stacking : 5

Player is placed in limbo for 3 days : All fleets must be in port and have less than 3 danger : no gold, influence or turns can be gained : No voodoo may be cast for or against the player : the player cannot log-in or participate in the game for the period of limbo : forum use remains open.

Notes : I had noticed there is no way for a player to take a short break from the game. I like this game, but would also like to take a holiday occasionally too. The main aspect of the feature should be that there is no benefit to be gained from it apart from the 'holiday' : you return to the game as you left it with the same fleets, resources, gold, etc as before. To prevent it being used as a 'truce' type card, all danger and voodoo ( good and bad) should really be at zero : thus using the card would need to be planned, rather than as a desperate defence measure.
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Re: Lost Weekend

Postby Grogggy » Sat May 17, 2014 12:05 pm

digging it...a longer term innactive "freeze" would be cool if you say needed a month off.
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Re: Lost Weekend

Postby Ciel Phantomhive » Sat May 17, 2014 1:00 pm

Instead of voodoo curse, rather have it as a feature. Voodoo will make it ineffective, as there are Serenity and Purify. Max 3-7 days and can't freeze account for a month later after freeze, how about it? And as 'penalty' if the user offline for more than 7 days in a month after the freeze time his/her trade route will not pause and/or he/she won't gain any turns for the same amount of freeze time.
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Re: Lost Weekend

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat May 17, 2014 1:18 pm

quote from OP description: ' No voodoo may be cast for or against the player '

So, once used, that's it for any activity on, for or against the account until it runs out. I like the idea of a limitation on amount of usage : something like no more than 5-8 cards can be used in a 12 month period would seem fair to me.
Not sure about the penalty clause , dont object that strongly to it, but then I do think the trade-route pause after 7 days off-line is flawed and encourages longer absences anyway. But that's another subject.
-1 : Move to archive.
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Re: Lost Weekend

Postby MAjesty » Sat May 17, 2014 2:51 pm

w/o a very strong limitation this card suggestion would be incredibly abusive.
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Re: Lost Weekend

Postby Trixikilikili » Sat May 17, 2014 4:11 pm

Maybe we can add a stipulation that the caster must be peaceful at least 24 hours before the cast, as in no hostile voodoo or attacks right before casting. Just so it doesn't prevent retaliations.
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Re: Lost Weekend

Postby Roileon » Sat May 17, 2014 7:05 pm

Danik renoir wrote:card name : Lost Weekend

turns reqd : 20

use : self - player only

short description : Player is removed from all game activity for 3 days

period : 72hrs

stacking : 5

Player is placed in limbo for 3 days : All fleets must be in port and have less than 3 danger : no gold, influence or turns can be gained : No voodoo may be cast for or against the player : the player cannot log-in or participate in the game for the period of limbo : forum use remains open.

Notes : I had noticed there is no way for a player to take a short break from the game. I like this game, but would also like to take a holiday occasionally too. The main aspect of the feature should be that there is no benefit to be gained from it apart from the 'holiday' : you return to the game as you left it with the same fleets, resources, gold, etc as before. To prevent it being used as a 'truce' type card, all danger and voodoo ( good and bad) should really be at zero : thus using the card would need to be planned, rather than as a desperate defence measure.

If you're really on holiday then you won't need forum access. I agree with trixi. You must have no active voodoo on you or another and you mustn't have cast voodoo within the 2-3 days before. I'd like to say that this card will most likely be disproved as a vacation mode has been in the past. I like the intentions of the card and why the card would be useful but I'd have to say that the necessary complexities that the card would require to stop abuse is more work than it is good. I cannot support the card as it opens doors for abuse that are too numerous or stuck to close. -1.
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Re: Lost Weekend

Postby Grogggy » Sat May 17, 2014 9:57 pm

20 Minute Nap

Caster gets 20 minutes to collapse. He still gets pummelled, but he sleeps better knowing that he has at least cast a vey weak card. At the end of 20 minutes, all damage taken is doubled.
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Re: Lost Weekend

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sun May 18, 2014 3:16 am

Roileon wrote:If you're really on holiday then you won't need forum access. I agree with trixi. You must have no active voodoo on you or another and you mustn't have cast voodoo within the 2-3 days before. I'd like to say that this card will most likely be disproved as a vacation mode has been in the past. I like the intentions of the card and why the card would be useful but I'd have to say that the necessary complexities that the card would require to stop abuse is more work than it is good. I cannot support the card as it opens doors for abuse that are too numerous or stuck to close. -1.

I included the forum access part as I would imagine coding/access for game-server and forum-server are separate and thus would involve two lots of access to be both linked and modified : I see little harm in leaving the forum access open as it cant really influence any in-game actions : also the card specifies 3 days, the player might only 'need' 2 days away from their keyboard : I agree with the non-hostile period before use : It should be a pre-planned event and not a sudden 'defence' measure.

Will it be abused? Almost certainly, some delight in finding and using ways to game any feature ; that applies to just about every aspect of any on-line game : but that is also an argument to never add anything as some-one will always try to abuse it.
-1 : Move to archive.
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Re: Lost Weekend

Postby Captain Jack » Tue May 20, 2014 6:47 am

We are against such an option and we have a wide number of solid reasons. Pirates Glory needs to diversify itself even in this chapter.

The main reasons against this is that vacation mode features can end up highly abusive. In the same time, the inhabitants of the green seas of Avonmora are thirsty for blood. Any way to completely stop this thirst is dangerous.

However, we are aware that players need a break sometimes and we realize that these breaks can be lengthy too. Therefore, we have already designed and implemented quite many ways to keep your assets safe while you are away. The path each one chooses to secure them, will of course play a role and up to now, there is no such thing as the best way.

I am personally aware of ways that we expected to see them happening but also of ways that we have not predicted. Out of the existing ways, the most obvious one is Treasure hunt. A good guild can also play the role of your guardian. There are more ways which you can discover.
One thing is certain; more will be added.

Some have already been announced and are:
-Private marina (you will be able to secure your valuable ships in there while it solves the hard puzzle of how I keep a mow secure).
-Parrot feature (it will help guild mates with alerts when you are attacked).
-Downloadable IM version ( all alerts will now com instantly to your mobile phone - this is currently sort of possible through fb app btw - as the game sends notifies to your fb account and the app to your phone).

We are open for more ways, if you get any in mind.

Try to see our point why we do not want this "switch". It mainly creates problems. I do not know the inventor that put us all in this mode in the online games industry for years but it is time we evolve.
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