by Leo -_- » Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:15 pm
I, Leo The Conqueror, on Avonmora day 3844, declare war on the player called Administrator (#1), aka CJ, and any other active members of the Pirates Glory administrative team. You see, I don't like Captain Mac Snow. He's been annoying in the forums lately and it's gotten on my nerves. I've asked CJ on 3 different occasions to ban him from the game because I don't like him, but every time CJ said "I take no requests to ban players based on disliking" even though it wasn't a request, it was a demand. So, I am declaring war on CJ. Any active members of the same nation as him, any players that stay in contact with him, and any players that support CJ's "rules" are also subject to my war declaration.
A prison warden must be the very best at kung fu.