lol thanks for the love letter

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Re: lol thanks for the love letter

Postby Lil Lola » Wed Mar 01, 2023 2:37 pm

Oh Jesus I am sitting this one out Dez, I think I got lockjaw or something last time I tangled with Argo. Man she needs a wicked tongue lashing before she gets going. Freakin dried up old ********. You know some of my hair got pulled out? Had gotten an assist from an expert and even that salty old dog Dman gave me a few pointers. Dirty doggie loves to lend a hand.
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Re: lol thanks for the love letter

Postby Captain Mac Snow » Wed Mar 01, 2023 3:53 pm

Lil Lola wrote:Wow lol..what a bitter tongue you’ve got there. I mean really I don’t understand why someone would continue playing a game where they accuse the owner of foul play, bribery, allowing certain players to run multis, show favoritism and god know what else. That’s sounds like defamation of character to me. I wonder how many peoples minds you have personally poisoned? I would think nothing would harm a game worse than rumors and weakening a persons confidence and faith in the owner. I mean take Captain Snow for instance. He decided to come clean that he ran multis and was banned but for some reason decided to come back. I mean the fact that he bad mouth the owner of the game so freely on the forums only shows that CJ is capable of showing Mercy. He has done so countless times of your friend CW has he not? If he decides to fine people that’s one thing but what you have suggested is bribery and I don’t think that is legal. Perhaps you need to take a step back and stop being so angry at Dman for doing something he says you have done to him.
Sounds like you are reaping what you have sown. Me and Dman haven’t always been on friendly terms. But thanks to Dez pointing some things out we actually agree on things. Walk a mile in someone shoes. And it’s fun to light up half a guild even if they are newbs. They need to learn how to have fun. I have heard you used to be fun as well.

Clean your mouth before you say my name biiiiiiiitch! Go bring me one quote with me saying that I run multies now. Stan has nothing to do with my perspective. My perspective is all thanks to you.

Lil Lola wrote:And here I am the normal person getting my aggression out in a mosh pit and you take your issues out tossing voodoo and take trash talking to a crazy ass level??? Jesus you people are twisted. Well I guess you two weirdos gotta get your crazy out some how. I’m outtie. Looney ass nutballs.

Then you speak about trash talking. You the biggest trash I see here. I told you many times to shous but you dumb also I guess.
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Re: lol thanks for the love letter

Postby DezNutz » Wed Mar 01, 2023 3:58 pm

Captain Mac Snow wrote:
Lil Lola wrote:Wow lol..what a bitter tongue you’ve got there. I mean really I don’t understand why someone would continue playing a game where they accuse the owner of foul play, bribery, allowing certain players to run multis, show favoritism and god know what else. That’s sounds like defamation of character to me. I wonder how many peoples minds you have personally poisoned? I would think nothing would harm a game worse than rumors and weakening a persons confidence and faith in the owner. I mean take Captain Snow for instance. He decided to come clean that he ran multis and was banned but for some reason decided to come back. I mean the fact that he bad mouth the owner of the game so freely on the forums only shows that CJ is capable of showing Mercy. He has done so countless times of your friend CW has he not? If he decides to fine people that’s one thing but what you have suggested is bribery and I don’t think that is legal. Perhaps you need to take a step back and stop being so angry at Dman for doing something he says you have done to him.
Sounds like you are reaping what you have sown. Me and Dman haven’t always been on friendly terms. But thanks to Dez pointing some things out we actually agree on things. Walk a mile in someone shoes. And it’s fun to light up half a guild even if they are newbs. They need to learn how to have fun. I have heard you used to be fun as well.

Clean your mouth before you say my name biiiiiiiitch! Go bring me one quote with me saying that I run multies now. Stan has nothing to do with my perspective. My perspective is all thanks to you.

Lil Lola wrote:And here I am the normal person getting my aggression out in a mosh pit and you take your issues out tossing voodoo and take trash talking to a crazy ass level??? Jesus you people are twisted. Well I guess you two weirdos gotta get your crazy out some how. I’m outtie. Looney ass nutballs.

Then you speak about trash talking. You the biggest trash I see here. I told you many times to shous but you dumb also I guess.

Reading comprehension failure.

She said you admitted to having multis and were banned, then came back and created your current account. No where did she say your current account was multis.
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Re: lol thanks for the love letter

Postby Captain Mac Snow » Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:02 pm

I didn't catch the past tense but still this biitch is saying I'm badmouthing the owner. Then she speaks to Stan for defamation.. Just garbish
Me making animal sounds have nothing to do with you. I love animals so that's my way to interfere with people. If you feel like taking it personal, seek doctors attention. My animal sounds are aimed for me only. Don't talk with me if you don't like it.
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Re: lol thanks for the love letter

Postby Captain Mac Snow » Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:04 pm

If she want she can bring me a quote with me directly insulting CJ. I am not responsible for the movies she watch in her head.
Me making animal sounds have nothing to do with you. I love animals so that's my way to interfere with people. If you feel like taking it personal, seek doctors attention. My animal sounds are aimed for me only. Don't talk with me if you don't like it.
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Re: lol thanks for the love letter

Postby DezNutz » Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:22 pm

But clearly she is responsible for the movies you watch in your head.
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Re: lol thanks for the love letter

Postby Lil Lola » Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:30 pm

And he says I have a guttermouth while calling me a ***** ahahahhaha! Dez this mofo tells so many lies he can’t keep a single one straight ahahaha!!! Man the circle **** is in full force today!

I tell ya Dez living in his head rent free comes with a unexpected twist! Completely empty with lots of cobwebs everywhere. It even has an echo and a spiral downwards staircase to nowhere.
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Re: lol thanks for the love letter

Postby Mack » Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:35 pm

I've insulted the CJ and others, Ill freely admit that. CJ and other official's have also insulted me so get bent feelings have no place here arrgh
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Re: lol thanks for the love letter

Postby PFH » Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:37 pm

I cast call leviathan on CJ’s man o war, i have you beat completely. He never hit back :P
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Re: lol thanks for the love letter

Postby Captain Mac Snow » Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:39 pm

I said to wash it biitch. Isn't that how you call others? You been talking about people's attitudes and behaviors and 5 messages after or before you do it as well. Wet you find it funny how I do it. Don't choke with your laughter "smelly breath"
Me making animal sounds have nothing to do with you. I love animals so that's my way to interfere with people. If you feel like taking it personal, seek doctors attention. My animal sounds are aimed for me only. Don't talk with me if you don't like it.
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