lol poor feller.... and i mean that quite literally when addressing you stan... there are but a few bigger snowflakes than you in this game.... crying that the game is rigged... the owner is corrupt.... you lose because of circumstances outside your control
all the same crap you cried about throughout your life while existing on government subsidized charity hating the productive canadians that pay outlandish taxes to pay for your leeching that barely carries you through month to month living while they buy houses cars and land and enjoy the fruits of their labor
lol its almost sad ... but you reaped what you have sown.... which is nothing... so it becomes funny because you created the tragedy you live and hate
a sad existence both in game and life
poor stan

damages or butthurt received in the posting of these words is solely yours and yours alone
if counseling is needed therapist ahben buthert or cryin ferdays is available at the tp kleenex & creme clinic

I am a silly head and a meanie.