Ok here it is.... I know you are all so excited about this.....
So the Super Secret Blue Ribbon Panel met in their secret bunker and came up with a list of their favorites.
Here are the Top 7 choices in poll order
Leo the Conqueror wrote:
Dmanwuzhere wrote:
DezNutz wrote:Dez addressing Clockwork's Complaints:
Lolita X wrote:A Day in the life of a Mod
Haron wrote:
Meliva wrote:
Argo wrote:MODS THEN
Seas and greetings wrote:
So Here's the deal. You may pick up to 2. Voting will be open for 7 days.
So Vote, Comment, ***** and complain, sledge, make fun of each other but remember this is a fun exercise..... but it is also a Union of Honor thread.
Again Prizes are as follows....
First place gets choice...
Second gets choice of remaining prizes
Third gets what is left
100 credits
Slightly used 60 att SOTL(will require you to have a commandeer card)
30,000,000 gc
I reserve the right to add prizes to the list if I don't agree with the outcome........... My contest...... My Rules......
Have fun with it everyone. Good Luck!!!!