Duke bonuses wrong?

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Duke bonuses wrong?

Postby Haron » Mon Jun 14, 2021 12:43 pm

In the "help" section, it is stated that Dukes get +10% profit for everything except gold bars when selling to port, and +2% profit for gold bars when selling to port. When selling goods to ports my nation controls, as a Duke, I seem to get +3% profit for non-gold bars, and +1% profit for gold bars. Either there is a bug, or the description in the "help" section is wrong. Either way, it should be changed, so that the "help" section is correct.
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Re: Duke bonuses wrong?

Postby Shadowood » Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:47 pm

I demand 5 years of BACK PAY!

I have calculated what you owe me CJ and I have rounded DOWN to be fair.

Please send me $658,985,476,978 to Shady Acres bank or if you so choose, send 1,647 Credits.

Thank you
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Re: Duke bonuses wrong?

Postby PFH » Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:11 pm

Why not ask for his killer cutter?
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Re: Duke bonuses wrong?

Postby DezNutz » Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:16 pm

How are you defining profit?

I am going to assume that you thinking this:

Profit = Selling Price

I may be off on this just slightly, but this is what I think it is for atleast non-gbs.

Profit = Sale Price - Base Price (I assume, could be average buying price)

Duke Bonus = 0.10 * Profit

I deduced this from the selling of 30 tools I had in Akro for 27 gc each

27 * 30 = 810

Selling price listed was 834

That means that profit from duke was 24 gc or 0.8 gc for each crate.

0.8 gc is 10% of 8gc which is the difference between the selling price 27 and the base price 19.

So I don't see anything wrong in what is listed in the Help.
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Re: Duke bonuses wrong?

Postby Haron » Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:05 am

I actually did consider the possibility that "profit" was defined as the difference between the port buying price and the base price, even though it surely seemed like that wasn't what was meant. However, that is not what I get when I experiment. I sold 100 crates of each good in Goroum, and for each good, I got exactly 3% more than what the port price dictates I should get. Which is NOT identical to a 10% "profit" if I define profit as the difference between the port price and the base price.

Further, for gold bars, I get 1% more than the port buying price dictates. For gold bars, there ARE no base price.

So it is clear that what really happens in the game, is that I can sell gold bars for 1% more than the listed price, and other goods for 3% more than the listed price. This is NOT in accordance with the "help" text. So either the "help" text needs to change, or the actual rules need to change, so that the "help" text describes what actually happens.

Base prices Port prices Actual price Port price +10% of (port price - base price)
Wood 800 900 927 910
Iron 1200 1300 1339 1310
Tools 2000 2100 2163 2110
Cotton 600 700 721 710
Rum 1100 1200 1236 1210
Tobacco 1000 1100 1133 1110
Gold bars ? 2103 2124 ?
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Re: Duke bonuses wrong?

Postby DezNutz » Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:13 pm

Based on your data, I would stipulate that the formulas are as below.....

Total Selling Price = Duke Bonus + Selling Price

Selling Price = Port Price * #ofResource

Duke Bonus = 10% * Profit

Profit = Selling Price - PlayerResourceCost

Using your example:
Goroum is buying wood at 9gc per crate
100 wood @ 9gc per is 900gc w/o Duke Bonus
With your duke bonus you received 927gc.
Duke Bonus = 27gc or 0.27 per crate

While 27gc is 3% of 900gc, it is not 3% of your profit, as 900gc is not your profit.

As the bonus is +10% of Profit, we can math that profit was 270gc. 900gc - 270gc = 630gc
630gc is your cost for 100 crates wood.
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Re: Duke bonuses wrong?

Postby Haron » Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:27 pm

Note that the price I get is EXACTLY 3% above the port price for every resource except gold bars. That goes for any good in any port controlled by my nation. So this is what actually happens.

This would be a 10% increase in profit only if what you dub "player resource cost" is ALWAYS exactly the port price multiplied by 0.7. In all ports, at all times, so the "player resource cost" would change from port to port, and from day to day. That does not make sense.

Describing what actually happens, makes much more sense. And what happens is I get 3% on top of the port price when I sell any good except gold bars. For gold bars I get 1%. I have no clue how that is supposed to translate to 2% profit, either.
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Re: Duke bonuses wrong?

Postby DezNutz » Tue Jun 15, 2021 4:17 pm

Port Sale Price is not all profit.

Code: Select all
*+10% profit on market sales (All resources except Gold Bars)
*+2% profit on market sales (Gold Bars)
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Re: Duke bonuses wrong?

Postby Haron » Tue Jun 15, 2021 4:54 pm

I'm not arguing against that. Although I believe that was once what it meant, that is not my point. My point is that the text is wrong. Calculating the profit is impossible for the game, unless each crate is tracked separately from I buy it to I sell it. So the statement that profit is increased by 10% is plain wrong. The same goes for gold bars.

The truth is that sale prices is increased by 3% for ordinary goods, and by 1% for gold bars. So that is what the text should say.

Personally, I think that this increase used to be 10% and 2% back in the day, but that it was changed at some point. It is too long since my days as a Duke of Spain for me to say for certain, though. Perhaps others have better memory?

Anyway, the text as it stands now is wrong any way you interpret it. There is no 10% increase in "profit". There IS a 3% increase in the price the port pays for the goods.
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Re: Duke bonuses wrong?

Postby DezNutz » Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:43 pm

You wouldn't need to track each crate separately to track. All you would need is to track number of crates and the cost. You could track an adjusted average quite easily.
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