anyone paying attention

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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Meliva » Fri Apr 23, 2021 9:18 pm

I am pretty sure that Chauvin will most likely try to appeal. Would be surprised if he doesn't. I am willing to say that in this case, perhaps the drugs in his system were not relevant to his death-I do not know all that many details about the trial. So I don't know what drugs he was on, how many, etc. Seems like you followed this trial a lot more then me Will, so you may be right that the drugs in his system are not all that relevant in this trial. Again, my point is simply that if someone dies, and they had harmful substances in their system, then at the very least those substances are relevant until proven that they were not a cause of death, or factored into said death. The legal teams would need to try to prove that, or if unable to prove without a doubt, then the jury would need to deliberate on it.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:12 pm

you might wanna research a bit more on the level of drugs present in his body and the condition of his heart as well as his blood pressure
fentanyl alone can cause hypoxia and if he ingested enough to overdose while trying to get rid of the evidence well you can work it out

the trial was less than fair but there is a verdict i just wont pretend it wasnt a political hit
if an appeal is made and granted it will knock out a jury trial.... overturning a sentence is rare it would just depend on what reason the appeal was granted and handed down to the court

ultimately any case law from this will affect regular citizens and not police as its normally citizens tried and not cops.... not sure i like that either

just on the fentanyl an overdose is considered with 3 ng/ml floyd had 11 ng/ml
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Meliva » Fri Apr 23, 2021 10:51 pm

part of me wonders if the jury might have been tempted to say guilty in the hopes of avoiding riots. Wouldn't be surprised if that factored into things.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Mack » Fri Apr 23, 2021 11:14 pm

if you were fighting me and i was trying to hold you down but you kept fighting me and were bigger than me also i might still try to hold you down to keep you in control untill i feel safe to let you up and if you had just took an overdose of some deadly drug you might die before you settle down enough for me to feel comfortable enough to let you up therefore its not my fault you did that

see how i reference a similar situation ;)
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Schwarzbart » Fri Apr 23, 2021 11:54 pm

Mack wrote:if you were fighting me and i was trying to hold you down but you kept fighting me and were bigger than me also i might still try to hold you down to keep you in control untill i feel safe to let you up and if you had just took an overdose of some deadly drug you might die before you settle down enough for me to feel comfortable enough to let you up therefore its not my fault you did that

see how i reference a similar situation ;)

Mack, one of the problems with positional asphyxia is, that anyone who is suffocated, will start struggling involuntarily. There is no way they could possibly prevent that. So if you strangle them until they stop struggling, you are going to kill them.
Last edited by Schwarzbart on Sat Apr 24, 2021 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat Apr 24, 2021 12:01 am

Well **** me.

It was suicide by cop all along. Thank the gods that you lawyers have enlightened us.

Anyone might have got confused and thought it was a human being that was killed and not some waste of space junkie wasting our police officer's time by struggling for breath when we all know they should shut the **** up and die quietly.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Mack » Sat Apr 24, 2021 12:10 am

i watched the videos, did you?
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sat Apr 24, 2021 11:19 am

lol love the melodramatic approach it really removes the 90 percent nonfunctioning heart on one side the fentanyl overdose and the amazingly high blood pressure that went along with the knee

the standard is reasonable doubt not humanity

you can watch steven crowder take a knee to the neck for 9 and a half minutes and he has a bad heart and he survived .... just like others who have been restrained in the same manner with that police approved and taught tactic

i wonder what an od on fentanyl sounds like in normal terms and if its relateable ... lets see

When people overdose on fentanyl, their breathing can slow or stop. This can decrease the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain, a condition called hypoxia. Hypoxia can lead to a coma and permanent brain damage, and even death.

hmmm nah couldnt be that ...floyd couldnt be dumb enough to chew up and swallow a bunch of pills the ones found whole and chewed up bits in the back of the cruiser with his saliva on them surely they were a plant ... because floyd couldnt treat himself in such an inhumane way
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Sat Apr 24, 2021 2:20 pm

You got your brain switched on?

He was restrained on the ground in a choke hold because he would not get in the cruiser.
So... how exactly did he sit in the back trying to OD?

We get it, you dont need to make up shit to convince yourselves or us. : he did not matter. His death did not matter. His life did not matter. Move along, nothing to see here, hey... whadda reckon to the Superbowl half-time show? Yeah, was kinda lame but the ads were cool!
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sat Apr 24, 2021 5:02 pm

lol poor fella you mean you only watched one video?

how openly ..... ignorant :D

one video and we humanely judge people... forget the evidence thats presented in court we can just threaten the jurors with riots and violence in the most humane way possible :respect

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