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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Mack » Wed Apr 21, 2021 6:42 pm

there is a huge difference between excessive force and murder, so yeah i think it makes a huge difference if he died from the drugs or not.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Schwarzbart » Fri Apr 23, 2021 2:50 am

Floyd isn't the first person to die in police custody, due to positional asphyxia. Which is why police officers are trained, in order to prevent that. Chauvin had received such training, so he knew what he was doing. Because he knew what he was doing would kill the man, this isn't excessive force, not even manslaughter, this is murder. And it wasn't even the first time he did that, he did it before, to a 14 year old , who went unconscious, due to the lack of oxygen, but survived. The man is a cold blooded killer and there should be no place for people like him in the police force.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Leo » Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:11 am

Schwarzbart wrote:Floyd isn't the first person to die in police custody, due to positional asphyxia. Which is why police officers are trained, in order to prevent that. Chauvin had received such training, so he knew what he was doing. Because he knew what he was doing would kill the man, this isn't excessive force, not even manslaughter, this is murder. And it wasn't even the first time he did that, he did it before, to a 14 year old , who went unconscious, due to the lack of oxygen, but survived. The man is a cold blooded killer and there should be no place for people like him in the police force.


And I didn't even know about the other incident. He should have been fired just from that. But police unions protect police officers from being charged with crimes they commit.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Meliva » Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:29 am

Sadly, now there's probably going to be a whole new issue, over that Bryant girl who died. Really hoping no riots happen over it, but I won't hold my breath.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby William one eye » Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:47 am

Mack wrote:there is a huge difference between excessive force and murder, so yeah i think it makes a huge difference if he died from the drugs or not.

So if i were to fall into a fountain and someone where to find me and then hold my head underwater untill i drowned, it would make a difference that i already had the possibilty of drowning before someone helped me along and finshed the job?.

George Floyd was a criminal with drug issues.
While this was relevant to the fact he was getting arrested.
This is not relevant to the fact that he was killed.

George Floyd was under the influence of drugs when he was killed. This is also not relevant.

Would he have asphixiated had he not been restrained in that manner. Unlikley.

Would he have survived if he had not been ill or under the influence of drugs. Not relevant. If you actions are so reckless they result in another persons death, it is your fault.

Like you run over a drunk guy in a crosswalk with your truck and kill him.
Well he was drunk its his fault.... unless he blatently jumped out in front of you at the last moment its your fault.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Meliva » Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:59 am

The drugs are relevant. If he died due to a combination of the drugs, and the restraint, then you can't place all the blame on the officer. Not saying he is blameless, but that the drugs are a relevant factor. Just like a drunk dying in a crosswalk would have booze be a factor in the trial. It isn't the only factor sure, but it's still relevant.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby William one eye » Fri Apr 23, 2021 5:03 am

In what legal statute or precident of case does it allow reckless people to hurt or kill intoxicated persons because they are easier to hurt or kill?

To be clear i said in a crosswalk. And i mean under signal or a corner with a stop sign.

Not j walking, wandring the middle of a dark alley at night or stumbling along a winding country roadside ect.


Just because they look intoxicated does not mean you are allowed to run over them with your car.

And if you put it in reverse and go at them a second time im going have a very hard time believing they they died because they were intoxicated
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Meliva » Fri Apr 23, 2021 5:42 am

Do you notice how I never said we should be allowed to run over drunk folks? Or any of those other points you made? We shouldn't use babies as footballs in the NFL either, but neither of us said we should. Do you see how pointless, and frankly somewhat insulting it is to bring up points that no one is advocating for now? Doing that can make it sound like those who are disagreeing with you, are advocating for ridiculous things. We are not.

A person's state when they die, is very relevant to any legal proceedings. I am not saying that if X person is drunk, or high, that anything that happens to them is fine. Just that you need to take their state into account-because a person's state at death is very relevant to a trial.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby William one eye » Fri Apr 23, 2021 5:49 am

Their state of sobriety is only relevant if they cause or share unavoidable liability in the incident.

Did he accidentally pull the officer on top of himself and then cling to the officer and hold him there until he had been unconsious for a while?

If floyd was high in drugs and had heart faliure pre restraint out of fear of being arrested. Yes drugs not the police were the issue. Drug overdose

If injury from resistance to detainment lead to his death
Than drugs might be a factor. Most likley its shared liabilty of both parties. Accidental death

If he died under standard normal restraint. Than drugs might be a factor. Most likely shared liability. Accidental or negligent homicide and would highly depend on timelines and events.

Kneeling on an already detained person until they pass out or die gets into the realm of putting the car in reverse and running over the drunk a second time.
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Re: anyone paying attention

Postby Meliva » Fri Apr 23, 2021 6:01 am

It is also very relevant if the substance is what killed them, or factored into their death.

Did the drugs he was on, restrict his breathing even before he was restrained? If so, how much? Are they what caused him to die? Would the hold the officer used on him, been non lethal had drugs not factored into his breathing issues? These are all relevant questions. There are other questions too of course. A lot of factors and things need to be taken into consideration during a trial. Once more, I remind you that I am not saying that his death was solely the fault of being doped up. I am not saying that the cop had no blame in his death. I am not saying that he pulled the cop on him, and then clinged to him til death.

I am saying, that drugs in a person's body, is very relevant for several reasons in a trial. There are of course, many other factors and things that are relevant too obviously, but the fact remains that, drugs in his system is relevant. That is literally the only thing I am saying in regards to your statements.

Edit- as for regards to kneeling on his neck, that is another factor to take into consideration. However, did he kneel on his neck as hard as possible with intent to kill? Or did he simply do a stupid thing, thinking it wouldn't kill him, but due to drugs in his system ended up causing his death? Factors to consider. I do not know all the details, or evidence, since I mostly didn't pay attention, but I do know that if drugs were in his system then that is something to take into consideration. Again, that is literally all I am saying. I am not saying the cop is innocent, or guilty. Just that drugs were a relevant factor.
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