Groggy's Newcomer's Guide

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Groggy's Newcomer's Guide

Postby Grogggy » Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:03 pm

Welcome to Pirate’s Glory!

We feel you will find this is a unique gaming experience. We say that both as a tease, but also as a caution--this game is not like most games you are used to.

It is browser-based. This is actually a democratizing factor, in that almost anyone with an internet connection, however primitive, can play this game.

It is very number/math centric. There is a lot of depth to what you might think is a strictly pirate game. This is excellent in that it draw actual human player who love being THE TRADERS. They then provide the prey to THE PIRATES, who maybe don’t need/enjoy the math so much.

There really isn’t extensive help, tutorial type things available to you at this time. This actually makes the game more fun in a way, you have to seek out real people and form real relationships to learn how to play the game better. There will be times though, where you are like, “what the hell--no one told me about that.”

You can’t die. As bad as it gets (and it can get pretty bad) you can always start over exactly where you started, with one ship and a dream.

So some advice. Try stuff out, but also be careful, you can actually make mistakes in this game. Don’t ignore the real people in the game like you maybe could in other games--if you mess with someone here, they can most definitely mess back.

You can’t go wrong starting out doing the missions given to you and exploring menus (a lot of pirate’s glory’s best features are actually practically hidden within a maze of menus).

A final note: it can be devastating to lose a prized ship or some situation, especially when you first start out. As you play more, you will learn from your mistakes and be far stronger player for it. Try not to get TOO emotional about it--after all, you can’t die:)


You should do the missions the game gives you until you get to the one that requires you to put 5 hawkers in one fleet.

This is decision time.

Do you want to be a pure pirate? Do you want to be a pure trader? Do you want to try to do both? Or, finally, do you want to try something specialized like “treasure hunter” or “banker?”

Because NPC fleet strength is tied to size of all your fleets combined, there is a delicate balance you need to be on the right side of.


PURE PIRATE: Forget the hawkers, sell what you have, and start building a plunder fleet.

This fleet will NOT win you a lot of battles against actual players at first. It will take down NPC fleets at your will.

2xSloop, 1xcutter. If you’ve gotten bigger ships, sell them. You won’t be able to keep up with the upkeep and repair costs. Pick one sloop and slowly start leveling it up. Get it to 10 if you can. When that one is up, start on the second sloop. The cutter should have at least 2, preferable 3. This is the ship that will soak up level losses and be the one you lose in a catastrophe.


PURE TRADER: Forget about combat ships for a while. You won’t be able to tackle any NPC fleets because of the size of your trading fleet. Build up fleets of 5 hawkers, commit them to profitable routes. Check regularly after updates to make sure they are still making big bucks. Adjust trade routes by hiring/firing sailors, which will make your hawkers faster or slower (you aim obviously are routes around 1 hour 1 minute). Only one hawker, the slowest, matters in terms of crew hiring/firing (try 20 sailors, any less you get additional danger).

Use your turns, which you will have a lot of, to: 1) Speed up the occasional trade route 2) Search for buried treasure 3) Get laid (you know, or get a wife)

Stash your money in commodities and bury it. Wait till you are obscenely rich then start building Ships of the Line. Warehouses can be like little spies to alert you to market fluxuations. Maximize your econ voodoo cards like tobacco and rum by leveling up warehouse and casting for obsene profits.


PART PIRATE/PART TRADER: Keep the 5 hawker fleet from the challenge. Build the plunder fleet above (2xsloop, 1xcutter). Don’t exceed 8 total ships. This is a very important point: NPC fleet strength is tied to your total number of in game ships (not just the fleet you are attacking with). If you get too many ships (around 9) you won’t be able to effectiively plunder.

Trade with your hawkers.

With your battle fleet, go from port to port trading--but also use your turns to plunder NPC. If you want, you can get an occasional weak player, but you will probably lose as much as you gain on the ensuing counter attack.


SOMETHING SPECIALIZED: There are lots of paths in the game to take. Maybe you want to specialize in some area:. Card collector, spy, banker--there are many jobs you may be able to do quite well.

FOR ALL PATHS: Danger is probably the most important factor for you at this point. Avoid exposing your fleets to attack by keeping that danger down below 2. This keeps you invisible (for the most part) and off the radar of big bad wolves. This is the reason for the hour+ trade routes. This is the reason for the NPC plundering. Neither will expose you to any risk at all as you grow stronger and learn your away around the seas.

edited 12/17/13
Last edited by Grogggy on Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Groggy's Newcomer's Guide

Postby MAjesty » Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:05 pm

lol, u marked it top secret..... i think i love u a little bit cappy, but try not to tell anyone ok?
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Re: Groggy's Newcomer's Guide

Postby Grogggy » Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:07 pm

Dude, I LOVE me some me:)
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Re: Groggy's Newcomer's Guide

Postby Grogggy » Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:41 pm

New material posted above.
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