Most Lee Harmless wrote:Lefty wrote:I will give you the response you give to others. Too bad for you! Economics have gotten us to this point. If there is not enough demand for sloops at 1 credit...too bad. Wait till there is.
There has never been enough demand on the ship market by virtue of the clumsy pricing involved. Even when credits were selling at 200k some ship types were vastly over-priced because the minimum is the minimum.
Over-bidding is discouraged because the price-step is now insane : half a million a go?
Personally, it's my view the entire in-game economy is fractured and unfit for purpose.
But, nevermind, if you sit by a river long enough, the bodies of your debtors will eventually float by.
You are wise beyond your custard pedigree. I jest of course about 'too bad'. You are right. There is indeed a problem with Avonmora's finances. Has been for quite some time. But those controlling the markets do not care about fair play, future play, only profit. I do not like devaluating the credit. It solves nothing, just makes the math easier. What Pirates Glory loving player would want the math easier? None, I say, none.