Revaluation of Credit

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Re: Revaluation of Credit

Postby Lefty » Mon Dec 06, 2021 3:10 pm

Most Lee Harmless wrote:
Lefty wrote:I will give you the response you give to others. Too bad for you! Economics have gotten us to this point. If there is not enough demand for sloops at 1 credit...too bad. Wait till there is. :o:

There has never been enough demand on the ship market by virtue of the clumsy pricing involved. Even when credits were selling at 200k some ship types were vastly over-priced because the minimum is the minimum.

Over-bidding is discouraged because the price-step is now insane : half a million a go?

Personally, it's my view the entire in-game economy is fractured and unfit for purpose.

But, nevermind, if you sit by a river long enough, the bodies of your debtors will eventually float by.

You are wise beyond your custard pedigree. I jest of course about 'too bad'. You are right. There is indeed a problem with Avonmora's finances. Has been for quite some time. But those controlling the markets do not care about fair play, future play, only profit. I do not like devaluating the credit. It solves nothing, just makes the math easier. What Pirates Glory loving player would want the math easier? None, I say, none.
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Re: Revaluation of Credit

Postby DezNutz » Mon Dec 06, 2021 5:14 pm

Lefty wrote:There is indeed a problem with Avonmora's finances. Has been for quite some time. But those controlling the markets do not care about fair play, future play, only profit. I do not like devaluating the credit. It solves nothing, just makes the math easier. What Pirates Glory loving player would want the math easier? None, I say, none.

Couldn't say it better.
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