Credit Changes

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Credit Changes

Postby DezNutz » Mon Jul 20, 2020 11:10 pm

Ahoy Mateys!

This suggestion stems from a previous suggestion/discussion on credits and specifically defines the changes to be made.

Link: Credits strength/subdivision

Change to be Made:

Credits and Credit Costs/Expenditures will be increased by a factor of 10.

Credit Exchange (including banker's credit offers) gold coin cost will be correspondingly reduced by a factor of 10.

What this means...

If you have 100 Credits, your number of Credits will be increased by a factor of 10 and thus you will have 1000 Credits.

If a ship on the Ship Market is being sold at 1 Credit, it will be updated to 10 Credits.

The cost of 50 turns for 4 credits will now cost 40 credits.

If you are selling 10 credits on the market/bank, the amount will be updated to 100 credits.

If the gc cost of a single Credit is 250k, the cost will be reduced to 25k.

This would apply across the board for any and all existing credits, expenditures, and future credit purchases, regardless if specifically listed within.


This specifically allows for a better dynamic on the ship and voodoo card markets, so cards and ships that would normally not be worth a single credit to be sold as such.

This should alleviate in most circumstances fractional or decimal values for voodoo cards and ship attribute credit averages.
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby sXs » Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:52 pm

Inflation for inflations sake is never a good reason. There is nothing good about this at all.

Worried about card prices and ship prices being too high with the current setup, then enter the market yourself and change it.

Market forces dictate prices not currency manipulation. Things will end up exactly where they are now on everything except there will be an extra 0 on the end.

It changes nothing.

If you want to bring down the current price per credit in the market then give people an incentive to buy/sell credits. Address it at the root cause not the symptom.

The cause is it is way to easy to make coin in the game now. With the advent of plantations,


Because people have so much gold on hand they can pay the exorbinant credit prices without issue. Hell some of the biggest players simply give GC away..... you nmeed only ask.

If GC is is easy to get and free in some cases, then the cost of things goes up, because the value of the GC goes down.

Balance the value. Instead of simply adding a 0 to the credit pricee, why not cut the value of GC by a factor of 10.

Plantations now produce 1/10th what they did yesterday....... same principle right?

resources now cost 1/10th and sell for 1/10th....... again same principle as inflating the credit supply.

It sounds good, but the end result is the same ..... nothing changes.

If this is a good ide then why not boost it by 100 or 1000..... wouldn't that be much better?

Average price of a Booty Master card is 4.96 cr. If you boost by 100 we get to drop the decimal point and then it goes for 496 credits...... I like ruond number so let's do it.
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby DezNutz » Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:22 pm

This isn't about Gold Coin prices. This isn't about items worth more than a credit. It is more so for items that are worth less than a credit.

A lvl 1 howker isn't worth a credit in the current market and you can't sell it via a fraction of a credit. The same for a lot of voodoo cards.

This provides a small inflation to credits to bring those lesser valued items out of fractional costs. This can be very beneficial to new(er) players who don't have the credits or voodoo to buy and sell in bulk.
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby sXs » Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:31 pm

DezNutz wrote:This isn't about Gold Coin prices. This isn't about items worth more than a credit. It is more so for items that are worth less than a credit.

A lvl 1 howker isn't worth a credit in the current market and you can't sell it via a fraction of a credit. The same for a lot of voodoo cards.

This provides a small inflation to credits to bring those lesser valued items out of fractional costs. This can be very beneficial to new(er) players who don't have the credits or voodoo to buy and sell in bulk.

So allow people tom seel a "lot" of ships like the card market.

instead of 1 hawker..... you sell a "lot" of 10 for 1 credit.

Much simpler than changing everything associated with credits.
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby sXs » Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:33 pm

10 hawkers 1 cr
5 sllops 3 credits

10 MoW 6000 cr.

easier and allows more accurate cost calculations
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby DezNutz » Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:39 pm

What is simpler about it?

That it is written easier and doesn't effect as many game pages?

How about from a programming perspective?

How easy is it to just change a simple value on a couple of pages that already has a calculation built out compared to building a completely custom feature to create bulk buying of ships which each are uniquely identified?
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby sXs » Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:48 pm

DezNutz wrote:What is simpler about it?

That it is written easier and doesn't effect as many game pages?

How about from a programming perspective?

How easy is it to just change a simple value on a couple of pages that already has a calculation built out compared to building a completely custom feature to create bulk buying of ships which each are uniquely identified?

I remember CJ saying to not worry about the coding.

I was addressing your comment about ship market directly.

If that is the only reason for doing it then address the ship market.
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby Haron » Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:41 pm

This allows for trading with items worth less than a credit. It also increases the resolution you can trade with. If your lowest valuta is a dollar, then you can't buy a single chewing gum. If your lowest valuta is a credit of today's value, you can't buy a single Advanced Piracy card (you have to buy several).

This does not change any value at all. It just increases the resolution with which we trade. It's like the opposite of devaluation. No prices or values really change. Something that used to cost 5 credits, will cost 50 "new credits".

I think it's a good idea, although personally I'd prefer to exchange today's credits with 100 new credits rather than one, to get even better resolution.
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby sXs » Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:16 pm

This allows for trading with items worth less than a credit. It also increases the resolution you can trade with. If your lowest valuta is a dollar, then you can't buy a single chewing gum. If your lowest valuta is a credit of today's value, you can't buy a single Advanced Piracy card (you have to buy several).

This does not change any value at all. It just increases the resolution with which we trade. It's like the opposite of devaluation. No prices or values really change. Something that used to cost 5 credits, will cost 50 "new credits".

I think it's a good idea, although personally I'd prefer to exchange today's credits with 100 new credits rather than one, to get even better resolution.

It isn't needed as an across the board change.

If it is ship markets then make the ship market similar to cards market and allow "lots"

The car market works perfectly. Value based on market demand. why buy a single Adv Piracy when you can buy 10. If you know anything about the card you know you can stack it.

I know this is just for example sake, but honestly it isn't needed as an across the board change.

Adjust to fix the issues, but not change everything. and it is inflationary.... basic economic theory in practice. Credits and GC are currency, whether in game or real life, Things are worth what people are willing to pay, It is psychological more than value based.

You are devaluing the credit by a factor of 10, yes at first everyone will have the same rate based amount, but in a fairly short period, things will cost more on a credit for credit basis because it is only a psychological ploy. This has been proven over and over again in real life scenarios.

The markets in game are no different than real life. The value of something is based on need and perceived(pschological) value. If you have more of something than you did before, no matter how you receive it, its value goes down and hence the amount you are willing to trade for something else goes up....... inflation.
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Re: Credit Changes

Postby Shadowood » Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:41 am

I don't fear death. I look forward to it with great anticipation. For then I will met God face to face and let him know that I stole his Man of War!!!
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