by Shadowood » Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:06 am
The one issue with I feel with Chin's idea of a time duration of "Anonymous" attacks, is with 600 turns you could hit 100 times and remain anonymous. But what about the DANGER GAIN for those 100 hits. This is why I lean toward a structured amount of hits, that take into account how many Hideouts is takes to help craft. If its 3 hits, 1 hideout, 6 hits 2 hideouts, ETC... You have to stay off the plunder board to stay Anonymous. Hideout is the key to this working.
I do agree with Chin that only 3 hits is not enough to do the damage you want done or to steal a ship anonymously (which would be very cool). You really need it to be more... even more then 6. So I am revising my original thought to the one below. Costs can be negotiable as always.
Name - Cover of Darkness
Turns - 20
Rarity - Legendary
Description - Your next 18 attacks will be anonymous. They will show up on the players report as "Your fleet XYZ (#82XXX) has been attacked in Seaglory by Anonymous". Also in port battles under attacker will be labelled "anonymous". However, it will show regular in guild battle logs. And if you lose the battle, you are revealed and you gain the DR normally. If you win, you gain no fame as you are anonymous. If you lose, you will lose fame regularly.
Takes 72 hours to create
Recipe - (1) Assassin, (1) Pirates Tale (2) Control the Skies (3) Advanced Piracy (6)Hideout
$1,000,000 Gold Coin
The hideout in the recipe is to cancel out your danger for the next 18 attacks.
I don't fear death. I look forward to it with great anticipation. For then I will met God face to face and let him know that I stole his Man of War!!!