Kim Jong Un wrote:really if there is massive fraud that would be very sad because trust will be lost and really it would be a big embarrassment to you guys since massive fraud should have been detected. Frankly I would think that is worse than so and so winning the election.
It undoubtedly was detected that is no doubt why it is in court. Otherwise we would all be talkin like the media . and it is a big embarrassment for our nation just like it was last election yet nobody cared then because that candidate lost still. it does wither away the trust which ive lost in it a long long time ago
what i am surprised to see and has brought hope back into my heart is a president up there with the balls big enough to talk about it
Because of all of the retarded people out there that throw stupid statements at him like you conspiracy theorist tinfoil hat wearing trying to make him feel dumb because those people just can't fathom the reality
And if he's a white supremacist man he's been seen hanging out with partying with having fun with all kinds of black people all through his life he's a horrible white supremacist
I think people are confusing USA first with white supremacist