TRUMP 2020!

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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:04 pm

Meliva wrote:You do realize that just because Trump hasn't done certain things yet, it isn't simply because he isn't going to do them. Do you think that any president can just immediately do things? Without doing any thinking, planning, discussion, then working with the other branches of government to put things in place? That if you become president, and you wanted to lower the unemployment rate or build up black communities or any other task that you just have to say " I want X to happen" and it get's done?

That's not how being a president works. At all. Or how any job or task works for that matter. Certain things take time to do, certain ideas need to be thoroughly discussed etc. So saying that he would have already done all the thing's he's promising already if he wanted to is just INCREDIBLY stupid. Trump focused more on the economy in his first term, and now he want's to shift his focus from the look of it.

I know. But what I'm saying is when he says something like "If I am re-elected I will sign an executive order to legalize all assault weapons" he is tricking you. He is very well capable of doing that right now, and he could have done it already if he wanted to. But no. He saved that one to give him something to say he would do so people would re-elect him.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:21 pm

If a person wants to be reelected, it's honestly a smart decision to keep some plans and actions saved for the re-election. Not to mention that the dems have done everything they can to fight against trump. I find it rather funny how you complain about the senate blocking all those bills the dems sent, though a lot of them along with their promises are naive, idiotic or unreasonable so don't blame him honestly, yet I don't see you complaining about Nancy pelosi blocking all Covid stimulus relief checks until the election is over. Something I would argue is a whole lot worse since many are suffering and any help would be a major benefit. Course, hypocrisy might as well be your middle name at this point.

Also, don't see you criticizing Biden for lying and tricking people. He tells environmentalists he's against fracking and supports the Green new deal, but to folks who like fracking or hate the GND he say's he won't stop fracking and won't support the GND.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Mack » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:25 pm

Mack wrote:
L.M. wrote:A. Just like Biden, Hillary was not my first, second, third, fourth of fifth pick.

B. What you must be referring to when you say that a Trump ballot was thrown out was when a mail carrier lost a whole bag of mail that contained a ballot and reported it to authorities right away.

C. ... llot-case/

Mel, would you want an investigation to see if there was fraud if Trump wins? See, you are being a hypocrite.

i wonder who your first second third and fourth picks were

in both elections if possible

ok about mail in votes, heres a thought put a $100 bill in an evlope and mail it to yourself..... if that dont make you nerves then go ahead and mail your vote

no reply?

i suspectted that you were just trying to sound like you have wisdom in this subject, i think you have very little in this subject

i could go search and find a list of bills the republicans tried to pass but the dems blocked that looks pretty offensive too..

and man trump sure has passed a lot of good laws and what not to have done nothing good.. all you have to do is ask google irs so simple a kid could do it..... lmao

L.M. wrote:
Meliva wrote:You do realize that just because Trump hasn't done certain things yet, it isn't simply because he isn't going to do them. Do you think that any president can just immediately do things? Without doing any thinking, planning, discussion, then working with the other branches of government to put things in place? That if you become president, and you wanted to lower the unemployment rate or build up black communities or any other task that you just have to say " I want X to happen" and it get's done?

That's not how being a president works. At all. Or how any job or task works for that matter. Certain things take time to do, certain ideas need to be thoroughly discussed etc. So saying that he would have already done all the thing's he's promising already if he wanted to is just INCREDIBLY stupid. Trump focused more on the economy in his first term, and now he want's to shift his focus from the look of it.

I know. But what I'm saying is when he says something like "If I am re-elected I will sign an executive order to legalize all assault weapons" he is tricking you. He is very well capable of doing that right now, and he could have done it already if he wanted to. But no. He saved that one to give him something to say he would do so people would re-elect him.

i tend to trust Trump, he has kept every promisd he has been capable of keeping so far........... much less like most of the democrats not just the front runners but out of all of them
Last edited by Mack on Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby DezNutz » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:30 pm

What is clear here is that....someone failed civics. Do you have any idea how bills are submitted and become law?

You didn't even make it to your list before you posted a lie.

I failed US Civics wrote:were blocked and lie in Grip Reaper McConnell's graveyard for bills

You don't have a clue of what you are talking about.

To become a law, a bill must be introduced. Upon introduction, the bill is referred to a committee where it is reviewed by a bi-partisan panel of Representatives or Senators (depending on where the bill starts). If approved by the committee, the bill is brought to the floor for a vote. If the vote passes, the bill is then sent to the other Chamber of Congress. The bill is then introduced and then referred to a committee for review. If approved in committee, it goes before the floor. If bill passes without any changes, it then can be sent to the President for approval and become law.

Let's review. My notations are in red. You will notice a trend.

1) The green new deal (H.Res.109) Upon introduction in the House of Representatives, it was referred to a committee. Never made it out of the committee.

2) Duty to report Act (S.1247) Upon introduction in the Senate, it was referred to a committee. Never made it out of committee.

3) No Junk Plans Act (S.1556) Upon introduction in the Senate, it was referred to a committee. Never made it out of committee.

4) Pension Stability Act (S.2598) Upon introduction in the Senate, it was referred to a committee. Never made it out of committee.

5) [no name] (S.J.Res.9) Upon introduction in the Senate, it was referred to a committee. Never made it out of committee.

Shall I go on....
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:35 pm

Mack wrote:
Mack wrote:
L.M. wrote:A. Just like Biden, Hillary was not my first, second, third, fourth of fifth pick.

B. What you must be referring to when you say that a Trump ballot was thrown out was when a mail carrier lost a whole bag of mail that contained a ballot and reported it to authorities right away.

C. ... llot-case/

Mel, would you want an investigation to see if there was fraud if Trump wins? See, you are being a hypocrite.

i wonder who your first second third and fourth picks were

in both elections if possible

ok about mail in votes, heres a thought put a $100 bill in an evlope and mail it to yourself..... if that dont make you nerves then go ahead and mail your vote

no reply?

i could go search and find a list of bills the republicans tried to pass but the dems blocked that looks pretty offensive too..

and man trump sure has passed a lot of good laws and what not to have done nothing good.. all you have to do is ask google irs so simple a kid could do it..... lmao

I don't remember most of the candidates in the 2016 election, so I'll just say I was on team Bernie. As for the 2020 election,

1. Elizabeth Warren

2. Bernie Sanders

3. Julian Castro

4. Kamala Harris


No, no no. ... -americans

Notice ALL the bills I mentioned are in there

I don't see any reason for you to be rude to me, other than you being a very shallow person (which I don't think you are).
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby DezNutz » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:40 pm

L.M. wrote:Dez.

No, no no. ... -americans

Notice ALL the bills I mentioned are in there

I don't see any reason for you to be rude to me, other than you being a very shallow person (which I don't think you are).

Press Release (you) vs Actual Status of the Bill (me) ... lution/109 ... -bill/1247 ... -bill/1556 ... -bill/2598
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:41 pm

LM, have you noticed the name of that website? Don't you think there might be a chance that it's, oh I don't know, Biased against republicans and pro democrats. I mean, it's literally in the name. Do you really think it's a reliable bloody source, and isn't politically Biased?

Plus blocking bills of the other party is a long time tactic. Though A fair number of the dem's ideas are absurd so I don't blame some for being blocked.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby DezNutz » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:48 pm

Meliva wrote:LM, have you noticed the name of that website? Don't you think there might be a chance that it's, oh I don't know, Biased against republicans and pro democrats. I mean, it's literally in the name. Do you really think it's a reliable bloody source, and isn't politically Biased?

Plus blocking bills of the other party is a long time tactic. Though A fair number of the dem's ideas are absurd so I don't blame some for being blocked.

It is an official .gov site, but it's a Press Release that he linked to. About as meaningful as a piece of toilet paper.

LM probably thinks that most bills when introduced pass committee. Where in reality most bills introduced never pass committee. Mostly because most bills are political fodder and written as a prop knowing full well they will never pass committee.

THe Green New Deal is a House Bill. The house is controlled by the Democrats. There is a reason it died in committee.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:53 pm

L.M. wrote:6 democratic policies enacted in the last 4 years that I like? Well, none of them have been enacted because Mitch McConnell had blocked virtually every bill by democrats.

But I'll give you some examples of policies that Democrats ATTEMPTED to enact that were blocked and lie in Grip Reaper McConnell's graveyard for bills. BTW the only thing I googled with these were the bill numbers.

1. The green new deal (H.Res.109)

2. Duty to report Act (S.1247)

3. No Junk Plans Act (S.1556)

4. Pension Stability Act (S.2598)

5. [no name] (S.J.Res.9)

6. Protecting Americans with Pre-existing Conditions Act (H.R.986)

You know what? I'll name some more. Just for bonus points.

7. Paycheck Fairness Act (H.R.7)

8. ENROLL Act (S.1905)

9. Honest Ads Act (S.1356)

Enough? That's what I thought.

Ok. How about what Dems have promised? (Obviously since they haven't been proposed yet there are no bill numbers)

1. Single-payer universal healthcare

2. police accountability

3. Adding discriminating against transgender people to anti-segregation laws

4. Zero emissions by 2050

5. Totally eliminating the death penalty

6. Legalizing Marijuana in ALL STATES

7. More supreme court justices

8. More secure voting machines

The 6 republic policies:

1. The Islamic travel ban (Executive Order 13769)

2. Human Life Protection Act (HB 314)

3. Attempted repeal of DACA

4. Build the wall, enforce the law act [AKA the wall] (H.R. 7059)

5. Buy American Hire American (No bill number, ... -american/)

6. EPS Improvement act of 2017 (H.R. 518)


6 policies that republicans promise if they win...

Trump: "If you elect me I will do A, B and C"

Me: "Wait a minute... Trump is already elected. Why hasn't he already done those things?"

In other words, any policies that "republicans promise if they win" are just to get you to vote for them. Otherwise they would have already done them.

ah yes notice the inability to read them and form an opinion and introduce 6 as i asked
you copy and pasted a list for one side then wanted to continue a confrontational dialogue

that wasnt what it was about we were talking value and it seems your piggy bank is broke

I can discuss a bill and even argue for it as well as against it
because i know what i look for in representation may not be what others want
to do that requires honesty ... not with me... with yourself
you will learn that as you grow

seeing as deez has given you a rundown on how things work i will show you just how many bills are struck down on both sides
its in the nature of politics
thats a lot of bills struck down the past four years huh?
imagine the chaos if they all passed
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:58 pm

DezNutz wrote:What is clear here is that....someone failed civics. Do you have any idea how bills are submitted and become law?

You didn't even make it to your list before you posted a lie.

I failed US Civics wrote:were blocked and lie in Grip Reaper McConnell's graveyard for bills

You don't have a clue of what you are talking about.

To become a law, a bill must be introduced. Upon introduction, the bill is referred to a committee where it is reviewed by a bi-partisan panel of Representatives or Senators (depending on where the bill starts). If approved by the committee, the bill is brought to the floor for a vote. If the vote passes, the bill is then sent to the other Chamber of Congress. The bill is then introduced and then referred to a committee for review. If approved in committee, it goes before the floor. If bill passes without any changes, it then can be sent to the President for approval and become law.

Let's review. My notations are in red. You will notice a trend.

1) The green new deal (H.Res.109) Upon introduction in the House of Representatives, it was referred to a committee. Never made it out of the committee.

2) Duty to report Act (S.1247) Upon introduction in the Senate, it was referred to a committee. Never made it out of committee.

3) No Junk Plans Act (S.1556) Upon introduction in the Senate, it was referred to a committee. Never made it out of committee.

4) Pension Stability Act (S.2598) Upon introduction in the Senate, it was referred to a committee. Never made it out of committee.

5) [no name] (S.J.Res.9) Upon introduction in the Senate, it was referred to a committee. Never made it out of committee.

Shall I go on....

lol dont be too harsh on him he never had the benefit of schoolhouse rock :D :D :D
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