TRUMP 2020!

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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:26 pm

Meliva wrote:He couldn't even vote last election, so kind of pointless to have picks at all. Actually I'm not sure if he can vote in this one either honestly. Don't really understand why anyone would follow politics when they can't even vote on the matter. I certainly knew nothing about either candidate in 2008 when I was in school. Or in 2012 for that matter, though I was old enough to vote in that election-just didn't care to.

Even if I couldn't vote, I'm still allowed to have picks. So why would I?

A. who becomes president still effects my life, even if I don't vote

B. who becomes president still effects the rest of the country, even if I don't vote. And I want what's best for the country.

C. Especially in the case of the 2016 election, at least one of the candidates was very risky, so it was important to know who you support.

D. Even if you can't vote, your voice can still effect the decisions of people who CAN.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:55 pm

By all means, you can have picks, even if you can't vote. Doesn't change the fact that it's still mostly pointless. Sort of like saying I would prefer Israel to elect candidate A instead of B. I can prefer A all I want-I can't vote or do much to get A elected, so rather pointless to put much thought or effort into it. As to your points.

A-since you can't vote, having "picks" is pointless as you can not vote to elect said pick. You couldn't vote for the candidate you wanted over Biden, and you can't vote Biden over Trump.
B- Again, since you can not vote, you can not use a vote to elect who you think is best for the country.
C- yeah hilary was definately risky, glad you agree :D. Joke aside, Considering how much crap some folks got if they said they preferred Trump, it's no wonder why so many people who were in favor of Trump didn't let folks know who they supported. I mean hell, even now we got lunatics attacking trump supporters.
D- To be frank with you most adults wouldn't put much stock into the opinions of a teenagers or children when it comes to politics. Especially when they are as blinded by their bias like you are. There's a reason why we have a voting age limit you know.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:05 pm

Meliva wrote:By all means, you can have picks, even if you can't vote. Doesn't change the fact that it's still mostly pointless. Sort of like saying I would prefer Israel to elect candidate A instead of B. I can prefer A all I want-I can't vote or do much to get A elected, so rather pointless to put much thought or effort into it. As to your points.

A-since you can't vote, having "picks" is pointless as you can not vote to elect said pick. You couldn't vote for the candidate you wanted over Biden, and you can't vote Biden over Trump.
B- Again, since you can not vote, you can not use a vote to elect who you think is best for the country.
C- yeah hilary was definately risky, glad you agree :D. Joke aside, Considering how much crap some folks got if they said they preferred Trump, it's no wonder why so many people who were in favor of Trump didn't let folks know who they supported. I mean hell, even now we got lunatics attacking trump supporters.
D- To be frank with you most adults wouldn't put much stock into the opinions of a teenagers or children when it comes to politics. Especially when they are as blinded by their bias like you are. There's a reason why we have a voting age limit you know.

A. says who?

B. says who?

C. Both Trump and Hillary/Biden supporters were afraid to reveal their pick alike. It just depends on where they live. It's very unlikely for anyone to attack a Biden supporter where I live because most people support Biden, though it is more likely for a Trump supporter to be attacked. However, it is more likely for a Biden supporter to be attacked in an area that predominantly supports Trump.

D. If most adults don't put much stock into what I say because of my age, then why is this thread still active? Obviously I make good enough points and write well enough for y'all to spend your time countering them. If my opinions were truly garbage and stupid then you wouldn't waste your time arguing with them.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:13 pm

a-most rational people who know wanting something they can't get themselves or affect is pointless.
b-same as a.
C-I never heard of a clinton or Biden supporter getting attacked. Well, unless you count the rioters.
d- First off, never said they were garbage and stupid- Most folks just won't put much stock into them. 2nd, you are REALLY overselling yourself now, i mean really talk about arrogance and pride. Do you REALLY think that your arguments is what keeps this thread active? If you weren't here moaning about Trump, it would probably be folks talking about what they like and support about him. Also, just because we keep refuting and arguing your points doesn't mean you are doing a good job arguing them or that your making good points. You can easily spend hours arguing with someone who is making bad points but is too stubborn to admit they may be wrong. Just look at anyone who tries to debate flat earthers, or anti-vaccers. Their points and arguments are total crap, they just won't admit to being wrong.

We largely argue with you because we find your points wrong, false, or naïve. Not because we think they are well thought out, partially true or smart. You see, good points are not usually easily refuted like yours's are.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:17 pm

My points are NOT easily refuted by one person. But since there are many of you, of course you think that you are "winning".

I am just saying that you probably wouldn't spend your time arguing with me if you thought it had no value.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:33 pm

Most of us are more then capable of refuting most of your points. It's just some get to it before other's. Also, if your points can be refuted at all, then that means there was some flaw or something wrong WITH your point. Here's an example. You say things like Socialism is good, or that Trump is racist. Those are refutable and have flaws. If you said, Slavery is wrong, or murdering an infant is not a good thing to do, everyone here would gladly agree with that, as would most sane and rational people. Anyone who would argue the opposite is either immoral and evil, or an idiot.

Good points are either hard to refute, or impossible. So far most of your points have been easily refuted more or less. It also doesn't matter who refutes your points.

Also, no, arguing with you doesn't have any value not to me anyway. You're too arrogant, stubborn and blinded by your dislike of Trump to be reasoned with, hopefully age fixes those issues. However if i see someone saying things that I think are incorrect or wrong, and have nothing better to do, I will debate them in my free time.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby The Lamb » Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:43 pm

Be careful driving around blue, i know you guys just got record snow fall with more on the way, plus you will be getting record smashing cold the next few days. Brrrrrrrrrr.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:06 pm

value hmm ok

name 6 democratic policies enacted these past four years that you like
name 6 democratic policies promised by dems that they promise if they win that you like

do not include anything that was already a policy


name 6 republican policies that you hate that was enacted in the past 4 years
name 6 policies you hate that republicans promise if they win that you dislike

most of your arguments thus far are character arguments lets see the true substance or value of all your google searches
but honestly like most of the left, policies are a no go subject because feelings have no superiority there

ill check back in awhile while you frantically google for a lifeline

oh yeah please include the bill number so its easy for everyone who wants to find it
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:51 pm

6 democratic policies enacted in the last 4 years that I like? Well, none of them have been enacted because Mitch McConnell had blocked virtually every bill by democrats.

But I'll give you some examples of policies that Democrats ATTEMPTED to enact that were blocked and lie in Grip Reaper McConnell's graveyard for bills. BTW the only thing I googled with these were the bill numbers.

1. The green new deal (H.Res.109)

2. Duty to report Act (S.1247)

3. No Junk Plans Act (S.1556)

4. Pension Stability Act (S.2598)

5. [no name] (S.J.Res.9)

6. Protecting Americans with Pre-existing Conditions Act (H.R.986)

You know what? I'll name some more. Just for bonus points.

7. Paycheck Fairness Act (H.R.7)

8. ENROLL Act (S.1905)

9. Honest Ads Act (S.1356)

Enough? That's what I thought.

Ok. How about what Dems have promised? (Obviously since they haven't been proposed yet there are no bill numbers)

1. Single-payer universal healthcare

2. police accountability

3. Adding discriminating against transgender people to anti-segregation laws

4. Zero emissions by 2050

5. Totally eliminating the death penalty

6. Legalizing Marijuana in ALL STATES

7. More supreme court justices

8. More secure voting machines

The 6 republic policies:

1. The Islamic travel ban (Executive Order 13769)

2. Human Life Protection Act (HB 314)

3. Attempted repeal of DACA

4. Build the wall, enforce the law act [AKA the wall] (H.R. 7059)

5. Buy American Hire American (No bill number, ... -american/)

6. EPS Improvement act of 2017 (H.R. 518)


6 policies that republicans promise if they win...

Trump: "If you elect me I will do A, B and C"

Me: "Wait a minute... Trump is already elected. Why hasn't he already done those things?"

In other words, any policies that "republicans promise if they win" are just to get you to vote for them. Otherwise they would have already done them.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:01 pm

You do realize that just because Trump hasn't done certain things yet, it isn't simply because he isn't going to do them. Do you think that any president can just immediately do things? Without doing any thinking, planning, discussion, then working with the other branches of government to put things in place? That if you become president, and you wanted to lower the unemployment rate or build up black communities or any other task that you just have to say " I want X to happen" and it get's done?

That's not how being a president works. At all. Or how any job or task works for that matter. Certain things take time to do, certain ideas need to be thoroughly discussed etc. So saying that he would have already done all the thing's he's promising already if he wanted to is just INCREDIBLY stupid. Trump focused more on the economy in his first term, and now he want's to shift his focus from the look of it.
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