Mask really are not doing as much as most peoplw think
They help. And are pretty effective against
"Medium and Large Droplets" as kim states.
plain cloth masks could potentially aresolize the virus.
Vented masks only protect the person wearingvthe mask
Do you know anyone with glasses whos glasses fog up when they wear a mask? Thats their breath getting out.
Masks help prevent your sneeze and or cough from traveling
Wearing Masks are likely to stop larges droplets from entering
your nose or mouth if you get sneezed or coughed on.
Chances of a mask preventing transmission are not that high
Mask plus being careful aboit what you touch and not touching ypu mouth nose and eyes. A lot better
Add social distance and now you have a great chance.
If your nose is not covered you might as well not be wearing
The mask at all.
I wear a mask. Its really not a big deal.
However i think distancing and hand sanitation is
Just as important if not more important.
Play attention to how much stuff you touch and how often you then touch your face.
Think about this did you touch your phone after you touched sonething that could have germs on it. Now you going to press that phone against your face.
cows can have germs to.