by Most Lee Harmless » Mon Sep 21, 2020 1:05 pm
Different countries have different ways to record both deaths and the reason. It has always been the case that, here where I live, they record what killed you, not any underlying condition. So, for example, a lot of early AIDS deaths were recorded as caused by pnuemonia or cancer. Likewise a fair number of deaths amongst the elderly get recorded as pnuemonia when they have long suffered oyher debilitating illnesses which have weakened their immune systems and left them vulnerable to other infections.
Maybe a way to look at it is that you coukd be riddled with terminal cancers, have a heart ready to sieze up, lungs filled with tumours and kidneys failing. But if you fall off your chair and break your neck, that is what killed you.
A doctor once said we all die for the same reason : we stop breathing. So 'respiratory failure' applies to every death.
Harons approach, to look at excess mortality rate is the best guide, imo. Covid deaths are not replacing other causes of deaths, they are adding to them.
As for the chances of dying from it, same reason you look before crossing the road, you can reduce your chances of an earlier death by looking and choosing not to step out in front of a speeding truck.
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