TRUMP 2020!

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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Mack » Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:43 am

Blue mustache wrote:Here's an explanation from a rioter:
I couldn't find a censored version so click at your own risk.

im sure you are pretending to be dumb now
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby The Lamb » Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:50 am

Ive gotta give blue credit... its not easy to step outside of our echo chambers and keep discussing. Im guessing he grew up surrounded by the same types of people trying to out woke each other :) and this is what he learned.

While i still think he is sophmoric :D, he has a good set of bolo's to take the crossfire. :beer

I also dont think he is playing dumb, i think he believes what he says... Remember Mack, for 3 years CNN had a large portion of the population believing Trump was an actual Russian Asset, and to prove my point further, even after its been debunked some still do :D
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby William one eye » Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:00 pm

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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Argo » Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:02 am

William one eye wrote:

Lol..."If you play it backwards, it looks like they are littering"...omg.. sigh!
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:51 am

I haven't really mentioned this, but my view of the riots is a lot wider than I've said before. My view about them changes often as well.

Here is my view:

Rioting isn't necessarily the answer, but can often be fully or partially justified
I understand why the riots happened
I will verbally defend the rioters who did it because of oppression
I do not agree with the people who came from out of state and destroyed my city
Many of the rioters were actually KKK and white supremacists trying to start a race war
I carried around a hunting knife and some spray paint to vandalize the racists' cars (I never actually saw any but I knew what to look for)

So I'm not "pro-riots" but i do think that we as a country had this coming, we were warned, and when nothing changed this is what we get. I support peaceful protesters. I understand why the riots occurred and I'm not going to verbally attack the rioters who did it for a true cause because, well frankly this country needed to be woken up.

I understand that some innocent bystanders died during the riots. I'm not going to defend that because it is tragic. And I don't support the killing of innocent people (which happens to be why the entire thing happened in the first place). It isn't a matter of how the police should do their jobs anymore, we are past that point. It's a matter of what their job should be.

I could throw out hundreds of ideas of how to improve the police, but that even isn't enough. the system is broken. Police are able to kill innocent people and then hide behind a union. Police are able to use excessive force and get away with it. I remember when Philando Castile was shot by a "nervous" police officer at a routine traffic stop. I didn't know him, but I know people who knew him. I left my elementary school partway through elementary, he was hired the year after. Then I was reunited with my old friends who had stayed and who did know him. It was truly heartbreaking hearing recordings of students crying over his death being played on the radio. And as if we weren't angry enough, the officer didn't get convicted. He shot Philando four times in the chest when he reached to get his license. His 4 year old daughter and his wife watched the entire thing in horror. That is an obvious red flag that something is wrong and there needs to be change. The system is broken.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:25 am

The fact you even consider George floyd innocent is laughable. Now yes, he did not deserve to die the way he did, I will say that much, that was plain police brutality, but calling that man innocent? He was a career criminal, who did a lot of horrible things. Now again, that doesn't justify police brutality, just like police brutality doesn't justify destroying things and killing ACTUAL innocent people.

The system isn't broken. It has flaws, and sometimes things slip through. News flash though, EVERY system, no matter how much time and effort and work is spent into making it, is going to have flaws, it's not always going to work the way it's supposed to, and sometimes bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people. Humans are flawed beings, and anything we make will have flaws. Then when you have flawed beings working in a flawed system, that makes it even more likely for crap to happen.

Their is no way to fix it to where it will be a perfect system. Perfection doesn't exist as far as I'm aware. That's what you don't seem to get Blue. You are a naïve idealist, who doesn't seem to understand that at the end of the day, humanity is just a bunch of smart animals with a lot of problems and faults, and no way to solve all of them. Maybe someday, FAR into the future we might have a solution, but that day is not going to be within any of our lifetimes.

And no, rioting over george floyd can't be justified in any way. Again, the police in question are on trial. Yet before the verdict is even given, you have idiots killing innocent people and destroying buildings that had nothing to do with any of it. How would you feel blue, if when you came home one day, you saw family dead, and/or your home destroyed. Would you still think that it was in ANY way justified?

It doesn't matter a damn bit to me who/what/why of the rioters, whether they be far left, right, centrist, KKK, BLM, all of them are idiotic criminals doing idiotic things.

And defending those who did it due to oppression? I guess David Dorn trying to stop someone from robbing a pawn shop was oppressing his right to rob the place. I guess the children who died were oppressing the rioters right to super late term abortion.

Not to mention the fact that you yourself just OPENLY admitted you were planning to cause property damage yourself, just exposed yourself that you were not a peaceful protestor, you just didn't find a target to hit. Violence breeds violence. But you can go ahead and tell yourself it was justified in some way. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Lachlan » Fri Jul 31, 2020 4:17 am

Meliva wrote:The fact you even consider George floyd innocent is laughable. Now yes, he did not deserve to die the way he did, I will say that much, that was plain police brutality, but calling that man innocent? He was a career criminal, who did a lot of horrible things. Now again, that doesn't justify police brutality, just like police brutality doesn't justify destroying things and killing ACTUAL innocent people.

The system isn't broken. It has flaws, and sometimes things slip through. News flash though, EVERY system, no matter how much time and effort and work is spent into making it, is going to have flaws, it's not always going to work the way it's supposed to, and sometimes bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people. Humans are flawed beings, and anything we make will have flaws. Then when you have flawed beings working in a flawed system, that makes it even more likely for crap to happen.

Their is no way to fix it to where it will be a perfect system. Perfection doesn't exist as far as I'm aware. That's what you don't seem to get Blue. You are a naïve idealist, who doesn't seem to understand that at the end of the day, humanity is just a bunch of smart animals with a lot of problems and faults, and no way to solve all of them. Maybe someday, FAR into the future we might have a solution, but that day is not going to be within any of our lifetimes.

And no, rioting over george floyd can't be justified in any way. Again, the police in question are on trial. Yet before the verdict is even given, you have idiots killing innocent people and destroying buildings that had nothing to do with any of it. How would you feel blue, if when you came home one day, you saw family dead, and/or your home destroyed. Would you still think that it was in ANY way justified?

It doesn't matter a damn bit to me who/what/why of the rioters, whether they be far left, right, centrist, KKK, BLM, all of them are idiotic criminals doing idiotic things.

And defending those who did it due to oppression? I guess David Dorn trying to stop someone from robbing a pawn shop was oppressing his right to rob the place. I guess the children who died were oppressing the rioters right to super late term abortion.

Not to mention the fact that you yourself just OPENLY admitted you were planning to cause property damage yourself, just exposed yourself that you were not a peaceful protestor, you just didn't find a target to hit. Violence breeds violence. But you can go ahead and tell yourself it was justified in some way. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I feel like the US system is not as good though like in Australia we also have that too but less percentage of deaths I feel and just more assaults like punching and kicking. I haven't fact checked this though but that's what I think
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby William one eye » Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:07 am

What do cars belonging to a KKK and white supremacists look like? Im curious.

Im not knowledgeable about your state laws,
But if you are carrying anything larger than a small pocket knife its often considered a weapon. Typically if you are not keeping it in a sheath on a belt were it is disppayed it is considered a concealed weapon. If you draw a knife on someone it is called brandishing. Where i live if you threaten someone with a knife you will most likely get shot. Consider that carefully when you go out with intent to vandalize.

Vandalism of property over a certain value is a felony in most places. Here if the property is worth more than $ 1,000 its a felony.

If you get convicted of a felony you lose your right to vote.

If you get caught painting someones car, is it worth possibly losing your right to vote.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Mack » Fri Jul 31, 2020 11:08 am

Blue mustache wrote:I haven't really mentioned this, but my view of the riots is a lot wider than I've said before. My view about them changes often as well.

Here is my view:

Rioting isn't necessarily the answer, but can often be fully or partially justified
I understand why the riots happened
I will verbally defend the rioters who did it because of oppression
I do not agree with the people who came from out of state and destroyed my city
Many of the rioters were actually KKK and white supremacists trying to start a race war
I carried around a hunting knife and some spray paint to vandalize the racists' cars (I never actually saw any but I knew what to look for)

So I'm not "pro-riots" but i do think that we as a country had this coming, we were warned, and when nothing changed this is what we get. I support peaceful protesters. I understand why the riots occurred and I'm not going to verbally attack the rioters who did it for a true cause because, well frankly this country needed to be woken up.

I understand that some innocent bystanders died during the riots. I'm not going to defend that because it is tragic. And I don't support the killing of innocent people (which happens to be why the entire thing happened in the first place). It isn't a matter of how the police should do their jobs anymore, we are past that point. It's a matter of what their job should be.

I could throw out hundreds of ideas of how to improve the police, but that even isn't enough. the system is broken. Police are able to kill innocent people and then hide behind a union. Police are able to use excessive force and get away with it. I remember when Philando Castile was shot by a "nervous" police officer at a routine traffic stop. I didn't know him, but I know people who knew him. I left my elementary school partway through elementary, he was hired the year after. Then I was reunited with my old friends who had stayed and who did know him. It was truly heartbreaking hearing recordings of students crying over his death being played on the radio. And as if we weren't angry enough, the officer didn't get convicted. He shot Philando four times in the chest when he reached to get his license. His 4 year old daughter and his wife watched the entire thing in horror. That is an obvious red flag that something is wrong and there needs to be change. The system is broken.

it is this mentality that keeps this stufd going.. there were bikers trying to protect thier city , there sure was, that dont make them kkk because they are protecting what they helped bulld against BLM which is mostly white people on top of that.

you need to open your eyes young one. thw media has ypi feelkng some kind of way for nothing. for several cops of different races killing a black man.. this was not race driven get real. talk about the problem of police brutality not the media driven problem of a race war that the media and BLM started

you can say what you want ive been around a few years and racisim was dead for the most part all of my life...

all of the sudden the media blows a few deaths by police up like they are after the black man.. simply not true

this a politcly driven fight for the democrats all you have to do is be honest with yourself
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:19 pm

And Mack, do you live in the city where this happened? You say it wasn't racists but people trying to protect their city. But then why were there Cars with out of state plates or no plates and swastika stickers on them? Still not racist? Then what the hell is? Mack, do you live in an urban, suburban or rural area? It can sometimes be hard for people that live outside of the effected areas to see the problem. And stop treating BLM like some horrible organization. You might not agree with what they are going for which may or may not make you racist, but that doesn't make them bad. I assure you that their overall intentions are good. And you should really open up your eyes because you seem to think that this is a racial issue. Knowing what I know about you already, I can fill in the blanks on issues you haven't talked about yet. I don't want to assume but chances are you don't agree with gay marriage, you think there are only two genders, you think Obama wasn't born in the US and that he is a terrorist. Just some examples of things that people who believe what you believe think as well. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also I don't care if it's a felony. They are nazis which means that they intend to do me as a jew, harm. If defending myself means deservicing their vehicles, then so be it.
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