Nations are now able to establish pacts with each other. Depending on the Pact type, a relevant treaty is required.
Titles and Pacts
Whenever a perk is offered through a Pact, the corresponding title is also required (see examples below, at pact types).
Nation Diplomacy Version 1.0 Pacts
As per common practice, once we introduce a feature, we mostly implement basic functionality. Advanced functionality comes later. The pact types that will be included in this update are:
-Trading Pacts
-Service Pacts
For future versions, we will have these pacts:
-Mutual Defense Pacts
-Vassal Pacts
-Daily Tribute Pacts
-Industry Pacts
Pacts life
Pacts will last until canceled or until their relevant treaty is nullified.
Any pact tied to a Peace Treaty will always be retained if the new relationship becomes an alliance.
Trade/Service and Industry pacts tied to an Alliance will always be retained if the new relationship is a Peace Treaty.
Pact Types
Trade Pacts
A Peace Treaty or an Alliance between the two nations.
This pact will be nullified in case of a War or No Relationship.
Nations can offer the Council's Market Privilege bonus (*+10% profit on market sales (All resources except Gold Bars) and +2% profit on market sales (Gold Bars)) of its owned port(s) to the other nation council, for a daily fee.
- Code: Select all
Spain signs a Trade Pact with United States, offering the Council's Market Privilege bonus of Prote to USA in exchange of 50,000 gold pieces a day.
USA treasury will send during nations update 50,000 gc to Spain Treasury.
If the payment is successful, all members of its council (Duke or higher) will receive the equivalent bonus at Prote, like as if they were part of the Spanish council. If it is not successful, the bonus for the particular day will not be activated.
However, a Marquess (or lower rank) would not enjoy this perk. This is mandatory to ensure that titles power remain significant for everyone.
Future Version:
As more trading nature features come into game, these will be incorporated here.
Service Pacts
A Peace Treaty or an Alliance between the two nations.
This pact will be nullified in case of a War or No Relationship.
All title-relative port specific bonuses of:
-Crew Hiring
-Cannon Purchase
-Ship Repairs
-Ship Building Costs (shipwright)
can be offered per port(s) to the other nation, for a daily fee.