[Deprecated] Changelog

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Any game updates are announced in the in-game changelog.

[Deprecated] Changelog

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:59 am

As of June 04, 2013, this topic is no longer maintained. Use in-game changelog instead to get latest updates.

In this thread we will update from now on all changes in the game. We will update this post for every change.

Version Tracking
Every change will raise the game version by 0.0.1. Every new big feature will change the middle digit and zero the last. Whenever we move to a general different era because of many new features, the first digit will raise. Since we have forfeit all previous changes, we will start form the base 0.1.0 and move forward.

Version 0.1
*Feb 08, 2011
-0.1.1:In-game changelog deprecated and moved to this forum post.

*Feb 10, 2011
-0.1.2:Pirates Online change: Only pirates active in last 10 minutes will be counted from now on.
-0.1.3:Public Welcome and Register pages have been through a minor "facelift".
-0.1.4:Added a moving ship image in fasten screen.
-0.1.5:Moved all Great Britain players into United Kingdom nation group. Great Britain is no longer supported as an official nation.

*Feb 11, 2011
-0.1.6:Fixed all negative gold for all players. Please report as a bug if you experience negative gold again.
-0.1.7:Cap on plunder gold: From now on, ANY plunder can give at MOST 250 000 Gold coins.
-0.1.8:Change on plunder fame: From now on, when loser has more than 1 000 000 Fame points, the total fame lost will be %5 instead of 10%. For fame lower than 1Million points, the 10% that was in effect till now, will continue.
-0.1.9:Plunder Help file updated to include above changes.
-0.1.10: Added help file for Patrol.
-0.1.11:Added a general help file that indexes most help files.
-0.1.12:Added a link to the general help file at the page footer.
-0.1.13:Fixed a bug with battle result count

Version 0.2
*Feb 12, 2011
-0.2.0: New Feature: Patrol
Patrol allows players with the use of turns to search for NPC fleets within the vinicity of a port. This fleets can be later attacked.
Click on Plunder to use it. Make sure you check the Helpfile for Patrol. Statistics regarding NPC battles have been added.

*Feb 13, 2011
-0.2.1:Tavern Page links restructured
-0.2.2:Gossip (accessible through Tavern page) now provides more detailed info. You can now access the player profile page with a click. You can also see the player number and the fleet number. Fleet number has currently no use but will play a role in the forthcoming voodoo system.
-0.2.3:Added ASCII support for profiles. More work for profiles is currently under development.
-0.2.4:Changed layout for Upkeep message. There has been an extra upkeep today whcih means all ports got extra resources and all players paid extra upkeep.
-0.2.5:Fixed a small display glitch in news page.
-0.2.6:Optimized mail page: It runs faster now.
-0.2.7:Reduced maximum allowed messages per page in mail. It now lists maximum 10 messages per page.

*Feb 14, 2011
-0.2.8:Optimized many game pages.
-0.2.9:Optimized Trade Routes after instant travel. You do not any longer need to refresh the page to see actual gold count.
-0.2.10:Fixed a display glitch after creating a new ship.
-0.2.11:Replaced the "No fleets in this port" message with full list of fleets. When you click on Headquarters, you will get a list of Fleet in CURRENT port. If you have no fleets in current port, you will instead get your full list of fleets.
-0.2.12:Hire officers link color is no longer orange but white.

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Re: Changelog

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:59 pm

We have been working like crazy with lots of improvements, so we got to start a new page:

*Feb 15, 2011
-0.2.13:Fixed a glitch that would prevent users to mail other users when clicking on the profile of another pirate.
-0.2.14:Further improved welcome page of PiratesGlory.com

*Feb 16, 2011
-0.2.15:Fixed a bug that would allow ship travel with no crew if at least one ship on fleet had crew.

Version 0.3
*Feb 18, 2011
-0.3.0: New in-game skin. Old skin deprecated and discarded.
-0.3.1: Fixed a calculation glitch in market report.

*Feb 19, 2011
-0.3.2:Slight changes to public pages.
-0.3.3:New screenshots, now available from first page.
-0.3.4:Fixed rare white screen bug.

*Feb 21, 2011
-0.3.5:Fixed wrong link for active ports.

*March 2, 2011
-0.3.6:Added Recently Joined ranking in Tavern
-0.3.7:New Skin for Account Manager screen
-0.3.8:You can now change your name in court. Name change costs 25% of current fame.
-0.3.9:NPC fleets are now weaker. Although really strong players will not see a difference in NPC fleets strength.
-0.3.10:All new players will have a NPC fleet at their home port available, in order to conduct their first battle.
-0.3.11:Added Iran Flag
-0.3.12:Added Brunei Flag
-0.3.13:Renamed Server 2 to Eternal Glory
-0.3.14:Eternal Glory end day set to Jan 1 2020.
-0.3.15:Standard renamed to Deathmatch
-0.3.16:Standard will run in 180days intervals.
-0.3.17:Server selection screen now informs you of end day of each server
-0.3.18:Server selection screen now informs you of total players in each server
-0.3.19:Advertisements added in Account Manager.
-0.3.20:Ship Sunk chances lowered. It is now harder for your ship to lose a level/sink for most players.
-0.3.21:Plunder help file updated to include how ship damages occur and what the sink chances are.
-0.3.22:Your battle reports page will now show all battles in last 30 days instead of 10 that used to be till now.

*March 3, 2011
-0.3.23:Upgrading attributes of ship does not triggers a confirmation window any longer (Too fustrating after a point, therefore removed).
-0.3.24:Advertisements removed.

*April 8, 2011
-0.3.25:Plunder against NPC fleet do not penalty you with danger at all (Used to give you +3, this has been removed).

*May 14,2011
-0.3.26:New battle layout active in NPC battles. Soon will be active in PvP battles as well.
-0.3.27:Added numerical format to various numbers across the site.
-0.3.28:Ship gold cost has been increased by 10 times. This as a result also increases upgrade,repair costs and ransom required after a plunder.
-0.3.29:Doubled Officers Cost
-0.3.30:Reduced repair costs: It is now at 1% of ship gold price (It used to be 5%). Still, total repair costs are greater than before due to new ship prices.
-0.3.31:Added new battle layout to PvP battles as well.
-0.3.32:Added sahre button for battles.
-0.3.33:Fixed a bug that prevented to get new officers.

*May 15, 2011
-0.3.34:Fixed a bug in change nationality mission.
-0.3.35:Patrol Chances of not finding any fleets lowered; You will get the message no fleets found less from now on.
-0.3.36:Maximum available fleets to find through Patrol in one port at any given time is now 20. You will have to defeat available fleets before patrolling for more.

*May 16,2011
-0.3.37:Hostility with your own country required to become a pirate is now 75 (from 100).
-0.3.38:You are now able to cancel missions.
-0.3.39:All arrival and depart missions in Gossip page now include nation+nation flag + Pirate Name + number + Fleet Name + number
-0.3.40:Donation Credit Packages Redesigned:
New package: 30 Credits for $1.99.
Other packages now give more credits:
$4.99: From 50 credits to 100
$9.99: From 125 credits to 250
$19.99: From 300 credits to 600
$49.99: 1000 credits to 1600
-0.3.41: Fancy Icons links replaced text links in Headquarts left hand menu. With time most text links will be repalces by same styled icons.

*May 17,2011
-0.3.42: Tavern now can sort latest forums posts as well instead of only topics.
-0.3.43: Fixed a bug in Battle Reports where Share! - Show detailed report link would not appear.

*May 20, 2011
-0.3.44: Initial list of cards for the launch of Voodoo system finalized. Check it here: http://s1.piratesglory.com/cardshow.php ... ame&Qis=FS

*November 10, 2011
-0.3.45: More space for ship/fleet listing (cosmetic upgrade).

*November 27, 2011
-0.3.46: Setup trade route description changed to inform that trade routes are ceased if player is inactive for more than 3 days.
-0.3.47: Fixed share battles page.

*November 30, 2011
-0.3.48: From now on, the speed of a fleet is equal to the speed of the slowest ship in the fleet.
-0.3.49: Cotton Sails now affect Ship Speed base value. It increases it by 3% per point. The formula is:
Base Ship Speed = Base Ship Speed + ( Base Ship Speed * 3 * Cotton Sails / 100 )
-0.3.50: Ship Speed is now relevant to the crew onboard. The formula is:
Ship speed = Base Ship Speed * (Current Crew / Max Crew)
-0.3.51: Double hammocks increase ship speed by 1% per point. Bonus is applied at the final value, after the above formula has been calculated. So, the formula is:
Final Ship Speed = Ship Speed + (Ship Speed * Double Hammocks / 100)
-0.3.52: Cutter maximum crew has been reduced to 25
-0.3.53: Any cutter ships with more than 25 crew members, have been reduced to 25 instead (Total 26 ships were affected).

*December 03, 2011
-0.3.54: Fixed typo in sell ship screen
-0.3.55: Moved Change name link under Meet the Governor option (Court page)
-0.3.56: Fixed a bug with NPC ship applied damage after a tie or player loss.
-0.3.57: NPC battles: Treasure fleets minimum gold loot increased slightly so it will always be greater than any other ship type.
-0.3.58: NPC battles: Bonus percentage to find a treasure fleet right after you have beaten the Pirate Hunter has been increased to 5% (previous bonus was 3%)

*December 07, 2011
-0.3.59: (Interface improvement) Hostility report table now has more width.

*January 17, 2012
-0.3.60: Removed players online count from the footer.
-0.3.61: Build Up port text styling improvements.
-0.3.62: Added Most influential Players for each Port - Top 10 (Accessible through a link at Build up Port)
-0.3.63: Added Most influential Nations for each Port - Top 10 (Accessible through a link at Build up port)

*January 18, 2012
-0.3.64: Further improvements in Build up port page
-0.3.65: Improvements for Court page text
-0.3.66: Created the basis for titles (not implemented yet, help file implemented)
-0.3.67: Created help file for designated changes/tweaks/additions in regard with ports controlled by nations (Not implemented yet)
-0.3.68: You no longer earn 10% bonus in influence when the port is controlled by your nation

*January 20, 2012
-0.3.69: Fixed search pirate page (currently used when you search someone to send a message to)
-0.3.70: All names must be at least 3 characters long (If your name is shorter than 3 characters, please change it ASAP through the court mission)
-0.3.71: Page layout improvement for build up port
-0.3.72: Added help file for ASCII used in update your description page
-0.3.73: Added test link in update your description page
-0.3.74: Improved ASCII display in descriptions (Test: http://s2.piratesglory.com/show_char.php?feed=1 )
-0.3.75: Fixed typo in gold earned amount, as displayed at victim.

*January 21, 2012
-0.3.76: Reduced costs for credit options by more than 25%. Total MONTHLY cost of Double Turns + Double Turns Storage now sums at 245 Credits or $7.50 (with the $49.99/1600 credits pack) instead of 340 Credits or $10.50
*Also reduced one shot turn purchases.
*Right now the only way to get credits is to buy them. Soon we will add two more ways:
*1 credit per 12 hours (if you login) which will sum up to 62 credits per month.
*With Voodoo Card system, players will also be given 1 voodoo card per 12 hours which they will be able to trade for credits in the voodoo market.
-0.3.77: Changed default order view for tavern: It now lists ordered by last posts instead of topics.

*January 23, 2012
-0.3.78: Court Page upgrade; now lists your citizenship and links for port influence tables.
-0.3.79: Fixed typo in profile stats.
-0.3.80: Fixed a bug with ship remaining health on a tie subcase.
-0.3.81: Inserted ship ids and fleet ids in multiple locations.
-0.3.82: Fixed link color in ship screen
-0.3.83: Changed slightly fleet/ship lists to adapt to the new wider ship/fleet names (due to IDs)

*January 24, 2012
-0.3.84: Slightly affected max price profit per crate for some resources. Now all resources can give up to 6 gold profit (exception food&cotton up to 5, tools up to 7, details in the How Market Prices guide). Changes will be visible in next update.
-0.3.85: Created Guide on How Market prices are defined: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=88
-0.3.86: Updated Base Prices help page with the link to the new guide.
-0.3.87: Fixed maintenance update
-0.3.88: Added server time at footer
-0.3.89: Added 2 missing mini icons for forums
-0.3.90: Added small explanation for every of the three ships in Character Creation screen.
-0.3.91: The map now appears with flags now in Character Creation screen. (Same as in-game)

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Re: Changelog

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:48 pm

*January 25, 2012
0.4.0: Version update due to sheer number of additions in previous subversion.
0.4.1: NPC fleets now also list their fame total.
0.4.2: Enemylist implementation (Will be heavily used with Voodoo, currently accessible through Plunder screen)\
0.4.3: Profile Card now more smart. Also lists Add to enemylist button and Fame indication.
0.4.4: Number format enabled (commas) for Officer prices (Officer Page)
0.4.5: Facebook page launched, like it!
0.4.6: Temporaliry added facebook like box in main page (will be shown only to newcomers in the near future).
0.4.7: Various glitch fixes in messages page.
0.4.8: Increased production for each port by +20 000 (Help page for production upgraded - see details there)

*January 26, 2012
0.4.9: Fixed typo in trade route creation
0.4.10: New style for fleet selection for attack.
0.4.11: Page refresh is needed to repeat an attack (page hit or back button won't work anymore)

*March 1, 2012
0.4.12: Updated Tutorial #10
0.4.13: Updated Tutorial #11
0.4.14: Abandoned Death Curse idea (a voodoo card to execute players)
0.4.15: Updated Help File index

*March 5, 2012
0.4.16: Manage Fleet Screen, now also displays Fleet danger rating.
0.4.17: Added link to presents page in Treasury page (link through the Gold display)
0.4.18: Added #number next to name in header

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Re: Changelog

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:17 pm

*March 6, 2012
Voodoo System Implemented
Players can now obtain freely or through credits Voodoo Cards. Voodoo Cards are special actions for the game and they need turns in order to be consumed.

0.5.1: The cracken (Call Leviathan) can now target even the last ship of a player and even sink it.
0.5.2: A ship sunk by the Cracken may be found by the Tidal Wave Voodoo Card.
0.5.3: A player with no ships, will ALWAYS get a SPECIAL OFFER in the Shipwright for a new ship (A brand new cutter for 1000 Gold).
0.5.4: Fixed a glitch in Call Leviathan Voodoo Curse.
0.5.5: FRIENDLIST feature added!
0.5.6: Friendlist list are now in profile (click on your name), mail and send presents page.
0.5.7: All friendly nature voodoo cards now show Friendlist button instead of Enemylist one.
0.5.8: Fixed display glich in reading mail ( / ).
0.5.9: News pages reformed. Ability to see up to 60 latest events. New entries older than 5 days are automatically removed.

March 7, 2012
0.5.10: Tavern page small reform.
0.5.11: Dedicated forum thread for In-Game roleplay has been created.
0.5.12: Voodoo Card: Piracy is now Uncommon
0.5.13: Voodoo Card: Piracy now needs 10 turns to use
0.5.14: Voodoo Card: Spy Network is now Common

March 08, 2012
0.5.15: Added Add-To friendlist button in show character page (popup when click a name)
0.5.16: Added remove from friendlist button in show character page
0.5.17: Added remove from enemylist button in show character page
0.5.18: More sophisticated options for friendlist/enemylist buttons in show character button.
0.5.19: Friendlist/Enemylist now also prints an informative message when someone is removed.
0.5.20: Improved Voodoo Casting interface (more sophisticated choices)

March 09, 2012
0.5.21: Further improvement in Voodoo Casting Interface
0.5.22: Added use Voodoo hotlink on each ship page
0.5.23: Inventory now only shows relevant curses when a hotlink is used.
0.5.24: Added link in Ship page named Captain's Quarters - It leads to main ship screen
0.5.25: Voodoo Card: Fixed Pacifism affects as it should.
0.5.26: Cosmetic fix: Number format for ship repair costs.
0.5.27: Voodoo Card: Mindbar protection increased to 75% (from 50%)
0.5.28: Exploitation fix: You cannot anylonger sell a ship that is in a fleet.
0.5.29: Tavern link renamed from Most Influent Pirates to Most Influent Players
0.5.30: BBCODE enabled in messages
0.5.31: First game-specific BBCODE tag created: [forum]Forum Link[/forum] More will follow

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Re: Changelog

Postby Captain Jack » Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:02 pm

March 10, 2012
Version 0.6 - Version Upgrade!
NEW FEATURE: Governor's Daughter!
Romance Story (PvE)

0.6.1: Voodoo Card: Ruby Ring enabled
0.6.2: Voodoo Card: Ruby Necklace enabled
0.6.3: Bugfix: Patrol feature 0 gold case fixed
0.6.4: Bugfix: Patrol feature - Pirate Hunter could appear after a Pirate hunter as contrary to the rule. Issue fixed.

March 11, 2012
0.6.5: Improved Voodoo card controls

March 12, 2012
0.6.6: Romance List switch port link, now maintains page to Daughter's room.
0.6.7: Fleet Speed/Distance formula fix. Details: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=95
0.6.8: Added max button for Buy Cannons in Ship page
0.6.9: Added max button for Hire Crew in Ship page
0.6.10:Tweaked Ship Speed formula: Crew affects to fleet speed are now halved.
0.6.11: Voodoo Card: Ruby Ring now also provides current status on result message (ala Ruby Necklace)

March 13, 2012
0.6.12: Fixed Top20 Nations display bug.

March 14, 2012
0.6.13: Visual tweak: Removed line background in messages text

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Re: Changelog

Postby Captain Jack » Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:20 pm

March 15, 2012
Version Upgrade! 0.7 !
New feature: In-game Guild system

0.7.1: Ship prices for Howkers, Cutters and Sloops slightly reduced to make it easier for newcomers.
0.7.2: Instant Messenger added (Chat System too, more ++++). You can turn it off anytime by clicking "Close bar" at bottom right.
0.7.3: Shortcut Icons at bottom left added (Friendlist, Voodoo, Guild) - Greatly improve navigation - Enjoy ;)

March 16, 2012
0.7.4: Bottom bar improvements
0.7.5: Friendlist improvements (Now lists guildmates not added for easier addon - Keep in mind that the players that appear in Friends Online are the people who have added YOU in THEIR friendlist. It's a bit confusing at first but works splendind with current system. You can block them or add them to your friendlist. Once added, you will too appear in their friends online list. Later, we will implement a control panel for full control over these in an easy to understand way)

March 18, 2012
0.7.6: Bugfix: Avg time to sail on map
0.7.7: Bugfix: Map will always appear even if update fails (happened once about a month ago)
0.7.8: Guilds: Guild log now has a page navigator.
0.7.9: All ports now are listed alphabetically in various game lists.
0.7.10: Voodoo: Added "Me!" button next to friendlist button for quicker casting.

March 19, 2012
0.7.11: Voodoo: Casting Controller improved
0.7.12: Voodoo: Various improvements to exhange controllers.
0.7.13: Added Guild tag next to player name in Plunder page
0.7.14: Fleet Name link in plunder page now points to Voodoo against target fleet (Players only as NPC fleets cannot be targetted anyway).
0.7.15: Battle Logs now have a page navigator.

March 20, 2012
0.7.16: Voodoo: Further improved controls
0.7.17: Guilds: Added player country flags in internal memberlist.
0.7.18: Ships sunk in battle (when you lose the ship) are put to Davy Jones Locker (Can be found through Tidal Wave)
0.7.19: Small bugfixes in fleet controls.
0.7.20: Help index refreshed

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Re: Changelog

Postby Captain Jack » Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:13 pm

March 21, 2012
0.7.21: Cosmetic improvement: Court Page restructured.
0.7.22: Port links in Active Port page now redirect you to the market page of each port instead of headquarters.
0.7.23: Cosmetic fix in guilds application list page
0.7.24: Player Avatars introduced! Click on your name at the top menu to upload one.
0.7.25: Private Profile page restructured.
0.7.26: Public Profile page restructured.
0.7.27: Better display format for ASCII (You may need to resubmit your description to appear even better)
0.7.28: Work as a porter gold earned per turn has been increased.
0.7.29: Live Messenger improvements
0.7.30: Administrator will now appear in all users live messenger.

March 22, 2012
0.7.31: Bugfix: Daughter present display timer
0.7.32: More sophisticated timer - area of effect: various pages
0.7.33: Voodoo: Fugitive from Justice is now Uncommon (from Common)
0.7.34: Voodoo: Pacifism is now Uncommon (from Rare)
0.7.35: Voodoo NEW card: Flying Dutchman (Rare) - Instant travel to target fleet
0.7.36: Voodoo NEW card: Burried Treasure (Common) - Add 1000 gold to target player
0.7.37: Voodoo NEW card: Hidden Treasure (Rare) - Automatically adds 20 000 gold to owner treasury during upkeep, if he needs gold to pay for upkeep OR can be used to gain 10 000 gold for 5 turns.
0.7.38: Voodoo NEW card: Death Poker (Common) - 50% chance to earn 5 turns.
0.7.39: Work as a Porter page now has improved controls.

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Re: Changelog

Postby Captain Jack » Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:58 pm

March 24, 2012
0.7.40: You can no longer remove any ship from a fleet, if fleet has danger greater than 2.
0.7.41: News now have a page navigator.
0.7.42: Improved messaged for defended when a ship is plundered.
0.7.43: Fixed plunder selector + message when a ship that is to be plundered is sunk (Before the fix you would get a message that you plundered the ship but in truth the ship was sunk. Now, if the ship is sunk, you take all the gold target player carries and the correct message shows up)
0.7.44: Typo fix - Trade route page
0.7.45: Fame indication on each Player Card is now a link which takes you to his ranking page
0.7.46: Added search button in Tavern page
0.7.47: Help link for friendlist moved from Tavern to Profile page.
0.7.48: Improved popup windows controls; more sophisticated automatic redirections.
0.7.49: Completed Sink Chances table - Added 3 more entries for 50%, 75% and 100% sink (level Loss) chance. Updated help file here: http://s2.piratesglory.com/?page=help&action=plunder (table is at the bottom)

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Re: Changelog

Postby Captain Jack » Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:26 pm

March 25, 2012
0.7.50: Manage Fleet page: Added rename link
0.7.51: Manage Fleet page: Added mass actions for each ship in fleet (Hire max crew for all ships, Repair all Ships, Buy max cannons for all ships)
0.7.52: It is now (again) possible to buy/sell cannons even for ships in travel (Check explanation here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=10&p=699#p699 )
0.7.53: Manage Fleet page: Added handler to jump to any of the fleets you own

March 26, 2012
0.7.54: Bugfix: Plunder Ship even when defender had enough gold rare issue fixed.
0.7.55: Bugfix: Open message in Sentbox delete mechanism.
0.7.56: Loading of messages even faster.
0.7.57: Fixed news message for Call Leviathan Voodoo Card.
0.7.58: Added enemylist button in new message page.
0.7.59: Improved message in plunder page, when no fleets for attacking are available.
0.7.60: Fixed a rare wrong message when constructing a new ship.

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Re: Changelog

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:30 pm

March 27, 2012
0.7.61: Fixed a ship speed formula issue. Still uncertain how common/rare the problem was.
0.7.62: Game time change: Timezone now used is GMT.
0.7.63: Daily Update time moved to 00:00:00 (12 pm - Midnight)
0.7.64: Map Regeneration moved at 00.05.00 & 12.05.00
0.7.65: All in-game BBCODE help file links are now popus to help when writing a message.
0.7.66: In-game Forums + Shoutbox for Guilds implemented
0.7.67: Bugfix: Shoutbox issues

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