Title: Control the Skies
Rarity: Common
Turns Needed: 3
Stacking: Up to 5
Card Type: Enchantment
Curse Target: Player
Card Life:: 24 hours
Artwork: None yet
Decreases ship speed by 10% for all target player fleets.
Additional Information:
It affects all fleets under the control of target player.
The stacking does not apply on top of each other. This means that Maximum affect is 50% of the final ship speed.
- Code: Select all
Exact formula, including all ship speed formulas
Base Ship Speed = Base Ship Speed + ( Base Ship Speed * 3 * Cotton Sails / 100 )
Ship speed = Base Ship Speed * (Current Crew / Max Crew)
Final Ship Speed = Ship Speed + (Ship Speed * Double Hammocks / 100)
Control The Skies Affect = Final Ship Speed - (Final Ship Speed * Number of Active Control the Skies * 10 / 100)
So, lets say we have a Cutter, which is the fastest ship, with Double Hammocks and Cotton Sails of 10 and a crew of 25.
Cutter base speed is 50.
Base Ship Speed = 50 + 50 * 3 * 10 / 100 = 65
Ship Speed = 65 * (25 / 25) = 65
Final Ship Speed = 65 + (65 * 10 / 100) = 71.5
For 1 Control the Skies, the Ship speed will be reduced as follows:
New Ship Speed = 71.5 - (71.5 * 1 * 10 / 100 ) = 64.35
For 2:
New Ship Speed = 71.5 - (71.5 * 2 * 10 / 100 ) = 57.2
For 5:
New Ship Speed = 71.5 - (71.5 * 5 * 10 / 100) = 35.75
or simply put:
71.5 / 2 = 35.75
Important ! - It won't affect immediately a fleet in travel. It will affect fleets starting a travel from that point after. It includes trade routes currently at sea. However, once the trade route reaches a port, when it sails off, it will sail off with the penalty:
- Code: Select all
-Fleet "Merchants Glory" of player King Agamemnon is on a trade route betweeen Vaasburg and Caspian. It has 15 minutes to reach Vaasburg while it usually needs 1 hour and 5 minutes.
-Jack Sparrow uses Control the Skies on King Agamemnon
-The fleet "Merchants Glory" continues as normal and after 15 minutes it reaches Vaasburg. After the unload process, it sets sail back to Caspian. This time it will need MORE THAN 1 hour and 5 minutes as a result of Control the Skies affect. (See above on how to calculate ship speed)