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-Loans are placed on client's account at the bank.
-Loans can exceed account limit.
-Max loan limit: Account limit + 17.5M
-There is a limit of the number of loans athat can be agreed with a single bank: 3 active/served loans in 30 days per client
-A bank may issue as many as it wants but the client may choose up to the above limit.
-Loan interest is calculated daily,during the daily update.
-Loan installments recalculate during daily update,if need be (ie, you have paid more than your usual installment).
-The bank minimum profit exists to ensure the banker's profit (ie, for the case someone decides to fully pay up the loan in the same day)
-Loan officially starts when the client accepts the contract.
-It plays no role when the client withdraws the amount, the contract assumes the amount is given in full upon acceptance.