by Most Lee Harmless » Fri Nov 27, 2020 5:36 pm
I was never much in favour of plantations as implemented. They are a scrappy opaque creation, overly complex with stumbling blocks set every step. You invest credits in a permission. Now you have one. Nope. Now you need to invest coin in another permission. Great, now you got one! Nope. Now you need to rent acres. Done! Now you got one! Nope. Now you need to import workers! Done! Now you got one! Nope, now the workers die. You got to pour bars and coin into infrastructure! What infrastructure? Which bit? How much? Mmmm... guess! Oops, your acres just ran out! Rent some more! Bring in more workers! Pour in more bars and coins! Oops, your permission ran out. Pay more coin!
Plantations dont really need risk of loss added by PvP. Their very complexity and structure is a freaking enormous risk of loss. And you can't recover a bean of your investment in starting one unless you keep pouring in bars and coin. The only other option is to walk away and write it all off.
So, given the complexity and opacity of how the damn things are even supposed to work, quite where do we apply further risks of loss? We can think up voodoo, raids, plundering, destroying infrastructure, stealing coin, etc... but if we cant even see how the bugger works in the first place how can we judge the fairity of any inflicted losses? Would they even have an impact or would then effectively wipe out the whole investment by causing a death spiral? Adding danger to expose a plantation to attack could do that, once exposed, how can it recover before being exposed again?
I just poured six million coin and 4-5k bars into raising one bit of infrastructure as my workers mood falls. Nada. Not even half a star of improvement. Does it need a million more? Or ten million? Or twenty? Nobody knows, Reggie, nobody knows. So, an attack drops that metric. How do I recover it? Was the attack over-powered? Nobody knows cos the cost of recovery is unknown.
Those are questions that need answering before we can judge what is a 'fair' system of attacking a plantation.
-1 : Move to archive.