Trade Routes Redesign Closed Beta

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Trade Routes Redesign Closed Beta

Postby Captain Jack » Sun May 10, 2020 7:57 pm

Ahoy everyone,

First of all, remember, this topic won't appear at the tavern, you will need to seek it from the forums everytime.
I have created this topic because I need you to test the functionality before it is released to everyone.

Here are the steps that will be followed:

CLOSED BETA Current Stage

-Only a few players are into this. If you can see the URL below, then you are in the Closed BETA

-The interface is finished. There might be TYPOS and BUGS. We might even need to rephrase text. Please post what you find here.

-All planning you schedule there will be retain. You can safely plan your actual routes.

-I do suggest however, than you will not put more than 2-3 fleets running in your trade routes till I signal you for large scale testing. I prefer we keep it small in the first few days.


The next step is to activate the system to run the trade routes you put there. This is not currently happening. This is unfinished. I hope to finish it till Tuesday. Once it is done, I will inform you.

Once the system are activated, some rules to keep in mind:
-Fleets that are using both the new and the old system will now only follow the new system plans. This rule will be retained even when the redesign becomes available to everyone, as both systems will run in parallel for the foreseeable future. I will only take offline the old system when there are less than 100 fleets running in that one.

-All rules that apply to the old system will be retained and remain unchanged (ie Trade Master). Do note that current system is currently not targeted by anything.

CLOSED BETA Completion

The closed beta will be completed after a few days of no issues. I expect this period to last at least a week. We will then move to open beta.
Once I have finished some new interface options, we will move to Version 2.0 and the feature will be considered out of beta.

CLOSED BETA Applications

If you are not part of the Closed Beta and wish to participate for the means of helping out, please send a PM to #1
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Re: Trade Routes Redesign Closed Beta

Postby Captain Jack » Sun May 10, 2020 8:12 pm

Predefined Plans for Newcomers

We will also need a small set for Newcomers. They should be able to use one of the predefined trade routes till they realize more of the game. To this purpose I am thinking the following:

-3 Plans and 2 Trade Routes.
-Each trade route should use 1 Trade Plan. Which will leave 1 Trade Plan unused.

Therefore, I am requesting 3 Trade plans with suggestions which to include in the routes.
The first plan should be dead simple. It should generate some profit. Perhaps this one could be dynamic, depending on the port starting location. Ie, if you start in Hannes, what's a good starting route for Hannes?
The second plan should be complicated. Perhaps multiple ports.
The third plan perhaps should be a plan that will store all ship building materials to the port of Aiora.

I am open to ideas on the above ofc. The plans do not have to be the best. Just what you think would be mostly helpful to a newcomer to both understand the abilities of the new system and help him early on.
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Re: Trade Routes Redesign Closed Beta

Postby Captain Jack » Sat May 16, 2020 12:59 pm

Regarding the trade route idea you might have for newcomers, simply create it at your Trade Routes planner and name it as Newbs Route #1 or Newbs Route #2 and I will copy from there after reviewing.
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Re: Trade Routes Redesign Closed Beta

Postby Sebena » Thu May 21, 2020 1:00 am

I tried to recreate some from the time when I was starting. Can you check does this fill basic requirments. I put combos under the same plan but it goes 1-2 / 3-4. Basic earning should be around 15-20K with these and appropriet ships.
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Re: Trade Routes Redesign Closed Beta

Postby Captain Jack » Sat Oct 10, 2020 7:50 pm

We are nearing the release date. This feature is like a hydra - you chop one head and two come out. Similarly, I code one thing and 2 new needs come up. At the very least, there are several gains for the codebase as a whole because of the development on this hydra-feature.

Still, like I said, we are nearing the release date. I have made some core upgrades to the UI at which you currently have access. I have also added a couple of new things. I would appreciate if you could check it and see if everything still works as it should.

-Your fleets will still not move because of the new trade route. Still, once I am ready for closed beta, these fleets will be moved by the game
(I will inform you when this happens).

Known issues:
-You can add fishing fleets to the trade routes at some cases. Don't try it. Be careful with this. I will finish the validation for this tomorrow.

The url to access the UI is the following:

Remember: only those who have enrolled at the closed beta will be able to see the page!

Thank you!
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